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Ace's Santos Pov

I am so happy and shocked at the same time. This is definitely good news. I direct my hand towards her belly and caress it gently. I am so happy beyond measures.

"I'm going to be a father. Yes I'm going to be a father." I state happily pulling Ingrid into my arms before lifting her off the ground as she giggles.

"Yes my love you are going to be a father." Ingrid says after putting her down in the ground.

I just couldn't keep calm hearing the news. However I notice that Ingrid isn't so happy with the news, I know she is scared.

The doctor advices us on some stuffs about pregnancy Checkups and clinic before we leave.

Once we are out of the hospital, I stopped on our tracks and held her hand stopping her. I cup her face and look into her eyes.

"Hey it's going to be OK. I'm going to be with you every step of the way I promise you that. And if it's about your father don't worry we will talk to him. I guarantee you that I'm never going to leave your side. I'm going to be responsible for you and this baby. I know things have not gone the way we planned but then we cannot back down from this we have to just move forward and see where it takes us. Just trust me my love." She nods smiling.

"Thank you so much Ace. However the truth is, I'm really scared but after hearing what you just said to me, I feel so secured. I am really happy about having his baby with you because I can't think of the best dad to my children other than you my handsome prince. So we're going to go through this together." She then hugs me.

"Of course my love we are in this together. I promise you that". I pat her back as she giggled.

"I love you thank you for all this. Being here for me and always not leaving my side". She says as we head home. I ordered a taxi home.

"I will never leave your side. I love you so much to do that". I pull her into my arms and kiss her head.


"Awe I am so happy I am going to be a grandmother." My mom squeals after hearing the news. I chuckle as she and Ingrid share a hug and talk about the baby stuffs.

Later I take back Ingrid home using a cab since I don't have a car yet.

"Take care my love." I kiss her goodbye and she walks inside the huge iron gate of the Silverio mansion.

Now that I am going to be father, I have to work harder or yet to consider the offer of Juan Mendez. He asked me to join his empire. I heard shady news about him. He is rumored to be a billionaire under cover and no one actually knows what he does.

I heave a deep sigh and think about calling him. Yes or no? I battle with my inner self. Then I decide not to call him. I will just keep working at the casino.

Weeks later

We have graduated from college, I thank God we have passed with flying colors. I am glad we are done with the UNI life however, now its tome to face the streets and with the baby on the way, I have a huge responsibility.

"Don't worry love, we are facing him together okay?" I tell Ingrid as we get off the lift heading to see her father in his office. We are to tell him about the pregnancy issue.

"I just can't help but get scared." She says. I rub my hands against hers to calm her down. She nods and forces a smile on her face.

Ingrid has started working for her father in their company 'Silverio Winery'. It deals with wine manufacturing. Over the years, the Silverio wines have been on the market and are well loved.

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