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Ingrid's pov

This can't be true. What the fuck is this? No! No! I need to get out of here. I can't work for Ace of all people in the world why does it have to be him? Fate is so cruel.

God! I feel like i am being suffocated and i feel my legs turning into jelly. God! This is just a dream right?

As i am still in confusion. I take my time observing how more handsome he has become. God! He looks so sexy in his expensive Armani Suit.

He is a rich man now. Everyone knows him. I can say the pictures from the magazine don't do him justice. He looks much sexier and more handsome in person. His body is well built, it's evident from the muscles protruding from his suit. He must be working out so hard for it, not that he didn't back then. I used to watch him work out daily. Okay

"Is that the way to behave yourself in-front of your boss Miss Silverio?" I don't even realize he is right in front me, a few inches to be specific. I grit my teeth in annoyance.

He is so different now, he is not the Ace i used to know but after everything that happened, i may understand that he is so mad at me and probably i am the last person on this planet he would ever want to see again. I feel a pang of pain in my chest.

"I quit." I state making him shocked by my statement. I just can't work for him.

He smirks earning a glare from me. In a flush, he is cupping my face with both of his hands and his eyes holds mine for a while. My heart beats starts escalating. His touch brings jolts of electricity around my body. God! He is still affects me so much.

"You are not quitting. You have signed the contract already Miss. Silverio. Might i add, you are stuck with me for the next five years" He states coldly before releasing his hands off my cheeks as if he has been burnt or something.  I scoff with utter disbelief. This man!

"What if i terminate the contract?" I ask challenging him. He shakes his head.

"Well, i am sorry to say that you will have to suffer the consequences and you wouldn't want to go on my bad side." He states coldly averting his gaze from me. Why can't he just look at me straight in my eyes and tell me?

"And what are they?"

"You will owe me one million dollars." My eyes widens. What the hell?

"No! That is not fair." He smirks.

"You should have read the contract well Ms. Silverio." He gives me sharp glare before averting his gaze to the window.

"What happened to you Ace? Why are you doing this?" He doesn't respond. He remains quite, i see his jaw clenching. Whenever he does that, i know he is mad.

"Don't dare call me that again. It's Mr. Silverio. And enough with the chitchat. You are to start your work immediately". He says coldly before sitting on his chair before his desk. He opens us his laptop and starts working ignoring my presence. Douchebag.

"Sit." He states in an authoritative tone. I heave a deep sigh to calm my nerves before i loose it.

I take a sit before him. He presses an intercom and calls Amy. He asks Amy to come to his office. A few minutes later, Amy arrives calm and he asks Amy to direct me on what to do.

I follow Amy and we head to the next room.

"This is your office." She says. I look around observing everything and i can say i love it. It's spacious and comfortable. I walk towards the door to ceiling window and the view is breathtaking. You can see almost the whole city from up here.

"Wow, this is absolutely stunning. I love it." I state impressed.

"I am glad you like it." Amy says. "So in case you want to redecorate it to your liking, just tell me and i will do something about it." I shake my head.

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