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Ace's Santos Pov

"Boss, she doesn't want to leave until you come over and meet her." Connor reports to me through the phone. I shake my head smiling.

"Stubborn as ever. Well, you do this. Find someone to take my place. That will solve everything."

"Copy that sir." He says and I hang off the phone. How I wish to see her.

"Don't forget what she did to you." I am reminded by my inner thoughts.

I close my eyes and think for a while. I form fists on my both hands as anger escalates inside my body. This is just a beginning. I will show you no mercy.

Then an idea pops into my mind. I smirk at the idea.

I take my phone hurriedly and call back Connor. He answers on a second ring.

"Abort the plan. I know how to handle this." He replies agreeing and cuts off the phone.

The Silverios must suffer.

Ingrid's Silverio pov

It's been 3 hours since I asked the guard to call his boss. I have been sitting here on the grass browsing the net to kill time.

"Ma'am the boss is finally here. Please follow me." The guard says pulling me from my thoughts.

I stand up quickly and follow the guard. A black Ferrari is parked near the entrance gate. I gasp upon seeing it. This guy must be one hell of a rich dude.

The driver door opens up and a man wearing full black steps outside. I can't see his face properly since its night time but from the glimpse of his body, he seems dashing. 'Get your grip Ingrid, this man is responsible for your family's downfall.' My inner brain reminds me. I groan with disappointment and stare at the man with my beast mode activated.

He walks towards me. His eyes are covered with black shades. Who wears black shades at night?

"Hello Ingrid." He says as he walks towards me. I cant help but gawk at his deep voice moreover, his lingering smell of expensive cologne feeling the air. Damn it!

"So you are..."

"Damon." He replies cutting me off. I roll my eyes. The nerve of this guy.

"I heard that you wanted to meet me in person." He says and takes a step towards me one more time that he is just a few inches away from me. Why does his presence make me intimidated?

"We... we...Well, yes." Gosh why am I stammering?

"Okay I am here. You have 5 minutes. I had to stop attending a very important meeting just to be here." My eyes widens. I shoot him a deathly glare. So what if you had a meeting? I can't help but stifle a sarcastic laugh earning a jaw tensing look from him.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes. "Look here Mr. Douchebag, I literally don't care about your meetings or so. You fucking ruined my family". I spit out my frustration on him.

"Well, let me remind you Ingrid, I didn't destroy your family. If my memory serves me right, your so called father is the one who destroyed your family instead. Actually, you should even thank me. I have been so patient with you. Its been 3 good years but he has never paid even a single cent back." He is right. I just remain quiet feeling ashamed.

"I know that. You don't have to shove it on my face. My only concern or rather complain is the fact that there are still two more weeks before the deadline that means this mansion still belongs to us."

"Well, I am quite running out of patience. Moreover when you look at the time left, how do you guarantee that you will get the money within that time? Its just a waste of my precious time." Is he for real?

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