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Chapter 15

Ace's Santos pov

As soon as Melon had informed me about Ingrid's kidnapping, i knew right away who could be behind this. It's Juan Mendez obviously. Fuck! Good thing I managed to take my mom out of the center because i knew Juan would come after her.

He knows i have a soft spot for Ingrid that is why he is doing this. I should have seen this coming... fuck!

I already informed my team and my men regarding this case and they are working on locating Ingrid right now.

Few of my men are with me and Melon in my office as we figure what to do next.

"We will get her.. i need you to go home and relax. I will call you when i get something." I tell Melon. She nods and stands up to leave.

"Please save her." She says before she exit the office.

The moment she leaves, i throw everything on my desk making them scatter all over the floor. I am so mad and i might kill someone.

I grit my teeth, as rage escalates through my entire being. I will kill you bastard.. if you dare hurt even a nail of her.

"Boss your phone is ringing." One of my guards says. I snap out of my thoughts and pick up the phone, its unknown number. I think it might be the kidnapper. I give a signal to my men and one of my IT guys starts to trace the call as soon as i pick up the call.

"Hello, long time no see ..." I knew it, I knew it was him behind this. Juan Mendez's voice I can never forget his voice. He is indeed alive I see.

"I see you cheated death impressive, now tell me where is she?" I tell him straight to the point, my eyes focusses on the IT guy who is currently tracing his call, he gives me signal that it is working and a smile plasters on my face.

"Ouch, I thought you don't care about her anymore, it's a pity that she has to get involved with our mess." He states before laughing out loud. Creepy old man.

"Don't you dare touch or lay a finger on her, this time I will make sure you are dead." He laughs at my comment as if I have said something funny.

Then I hear screams on the background, wait that is Ingrid's voice. I feel like energy dissipated away from my body. What are they doing to her? He better not be touching her, I will kill him I swear.

"Aceeee, come and get me, they are hurting me." I hear Ingrid's voice, she is in pain and she needs me. Fuck! I curse under my breathe.

"I am coming to get you Ingrid please hold on, I will take you away from them." I state loudly hoping she can hear me.

"Hahahaha enough all the dramas love birds, you want to get her? Give me all you have, it's a product of what you took from me back then anyways. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be where you are now dumbass." I formed fists in my hands before I reply but the phone has been disconnected shit. I try to call him again but the phone can't be reached.

"Fuck, fuck fuck, I need to get Ingrid out of that place before he does something stupid." I state gritting my teeth making all my men alert.

"Its done, I have the location big boss." I smirk winningly, I will kill him I swear. I arrange my team and we get ready for the attack.

Arriving at the secluded warehouse, I give signal to my hit men (snipers) to go head and shoot any of Juan's men if they attack them.

Obeying my orders they go ahead while I wait for their heads up, Connor is with me, as my right hand man and bodyguard my safety matters to him.

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