Chapter 37: Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing

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"Are you ready?" Pushing her door open. I could see her through the crack in the door. She was pulling the band of her jeans up her thighs. It slid over her thong and rested on her small waist. I looked down, feeling guilty for invading her privacy.

"No. Almost," she replied.

"Well hurry up. I can't keep Roman away for very long."

"You guys are making me nervous. Nervously excited. Where are we going?" She half squealed through the crack in the door.

I laughed. I loved being around Sage. She was something else.

"To the kitchen," I replied with equal parts excitement.

"What?!" She sounded incredulous.

I laughed some more. "Hurry up."

I stepped away from the door and padded through the opened archways of the house. The rays from the sun bled into the passages as I passed the large windows that bathed the house with the sun's presence. I loved visiting Roman. He was always at peace, but Mahieu decided to present herself at his usual places. He's changed and caved into himself more than usual. I hated seeing my cousin like this. I knew Ekko had something to do with this. I'm surprised he hasn't shown himself yet.

As I approached the kitchen I heard hushed tones - practically hissing at each other. I slowly made my way to the doorframe where I heard the distinctive voices of Roman and Mahieu.

"He's here, mon amour," Mahieu said frantically.

"Get out of my house!" Roman demanded. He sounded strained.

"Please, mon amour. You know I still love you. We can still make this work," Mahieu said in her sweet French tongue.

"Don't touch me, Mahieu. Get out."

I felt the coldness of his tone and I knew my cousin had had enough. But Mahieu never gave up easily when she wanted something - someone.

"Remember Roman, we are still wedded until death," she hissed. Unmoved by my cousin's tone. "If you wanted us to be divorced, it would have happened by now."

Roman was silent.

"I know you are still here for Liam. Yet you have changed since taking up that Sage bitch you found on the streets."

Mahieu's tone was sweet until she brought up Sage bitterly. "Your taste surely has changed," she repeated.

"Leave Sage out of this," he ordered.

"Obviously, you haven't told her about us or she wouldn't still be here. I want to see when you break her stupid little heart. Poor Sage. Clueless. It's pathetic," she taunted, stepping closer to Roman.

My cousin didn't stir. He let her have her way. I never understood this, but I could see that a wall was up, in the way that his frame was rigid.

"I know she can't please you how I can," she leered.

"That's enough, Mahieu. I won't tell you again," he snapped.

"Ekkehard, however, has never disappointed me."

Roman was silent once more, as he heard his brother's name. His face changed. I couldn't see any form of emotions. He clenched and unclenched his fists at his side.

"I love him too. Oh, when he touches me. My body aches every time he is outside of me."

I could tell that Mahieu was challenging my cousin. Slithering under his skin, like she always does to get her way. It looked as if it was working this time.

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