Chapter 30: Viewpoints

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Hours after lunch...

As I was getting dressed, a million different things were running across my mind, about all of what Roman had disclosed to me. I like his honesty, but sometimes I think some things are going on above my head that I am not catching on to.

I didn't know how to react after hearing that he had a child. It made me think about what else he could be keeping from me until he was ready to share. Was he even going to tell me? Was Liam going to be kept from me? To think I was not a part of his life. We had just begun this relationship of ours. So I had to keep my mind open, maybe I am overthinking things because of what Ronnie told me months ago. But to think of it, this wasn't Wong and we were not experiencing an unhealthy relationship. It was the beginning of something new and exciting and I was willing to continue this risk with this man. My man.

His ex-girlfriend I can see doesn't like me and I didn't care. The thought that I was now occupying Roman's time permanently did not sit well with her. I smiled to myself. Mahieu, once upon a time, had everything and she destroyed it because of her greed. I can only take Roman's word for it that she is a great mother to their son. As I headed for the door my reflection in the standing mirror caught my attention. Analyzing the reflected background inside the large expanse of space filled with racks, drawers of clothing, and shoes that were supposed to be a "small" closet. It was one of the dresses that Roman had bought for me in preparation for our stay here. As I looked in the mirror I couldn't believe who I was seeing staring back at me - myself looking elegant in a white lace dress. I stood there trying to capture the fact that I was in this beautiful city of Cannes, on the French Riviera. It was so unreal.

Before putting on the dress I saw the label on the rack it hung on. Dolce and Gabbana. I was going to wear two of the most talented Designers' pieces. I felt beautiful running my hands down the floral brocade blazer lace front. At least that's what the rest of the label said. With a final glance at myself, I took a deep breath and turned away from my reflection. I paired my dress with T-strap gold chain sandals. Upon reaching the foyer I saw Roman standing at the double doors waiting patiently for me. However, he did look like he was mulling over something troubling because there was a knit between his brows until he saw me approach. He released his hands from his faded black jeans to pull me into him for a long, passionate kiss that had us breathless after he pulled away. My purple lips didn't seem to stain him as I remembered panicking, touching the tips of my finger to my lips. The beauty of waterproof matte lipstick on my side. Roman being Roman smiled at me.

"Don't worry, Kätzchen. I'm not afraid of a little colour," he said, still smiling at me. "Why did you tie your hair back?"

I couldn't get enough of his accent. It was doing wicked things to me. He reached for the tie in my hair and pulled it out, letting my hair fall down my back. I couldn't help my wandering eyes as they travelled to his chest, which was barely exposed because of three buttons that were open on the black shirt that he wore. I was desperate to see more. He looked into my eyes with adoration that I couldn't help but blush, from the intensity of his ice-blue eyes. He placed an arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. He opened the door and led us to an expensive black sports car, at the end of the stone walkway. I still had not caught the names and models of cars, but for Roman sake, I would. I saw his garage full of them. It seemed like something important to him and I would make an effort like how he does with me. Starting with this car.

"What type of car is this?" I asked after Roman opened the car door for me.

He walked around to sit next to me in the driver's seat.

"A Ferrari, Kätzchen," he said revving the engine.

He flashed me a devilish smile, that I couldn't help thinking had some hidden meaning behind it. He raked my body one last time with his stormy blue eyes and pressed gas. We sped off into the night.


Notes: German: Kätzchen - Kitten, kitty

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