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A month and a half later...

The sun was barely visible over the high-rises when I walked into my new office, a smile playing on my lips. This was the beginning of a new chapter to come, with both the promise of a bright future and the weight of the lingering past. Before I had gotten to the office, I went to the CoffeeBean Cafe for breakfast. It held so many great memories and the few bittersweet ones of the past. I sighed and shook the memory from my head. I placed the takeaway bag onto my desk and began rummaging for its contents. The office was alive with the hum of morning activities. My new colleagues moved with purpose, exchanging greetings and preparing for the day's work ahead. I had finally found my place at the new company Roman recommended, a testament to his attempt at redemption after our tumultuous start.

My desk was situated in a sunlit corner of the expansive open-plan office. It was a quiet place amidst the organised chaos. I had decorated it with my personal touch: framed photos of Ronnie and me, a few with Olaf, and some with Soraya and Mommy. A delicate potted plant I hoped to nurture, and a few motivational quotes to keep my spirits high. My art supplies and drawing tablet were in the drawings to the sides of me. The morning was cool as I sipped my caramel latte. I couldn't help but feel a sense of cautious optimism. The transition hadn't been easy. My departure from my previous job had been abrupt and painful, the result of Roman's swift decision that still left me reeling. As much as I had agreed to take this job last year, Roman and I fought about it again before I gave in. It was one of the many fights that we've been having recently about a lot of things. Yet here we were, embarking on a new journey, supported by the promise of a fresh start for our relationship. If we can call it a relationship still. He was present and I was present and we were willing to put in the work. Our relationship. He had a lot to do to gain back my trust. I pray that my forgiveness will grow, but like everything in this life, it takes time.

Erin, my new colleague and friend, approached my desk with a cheerful wave. Erin's energy was infectious almost like Ronnie's. Her warmth had been a soothing balm during my first weeks at the company. We bonded over our shared love of fragrances, new plant-moms, and mutual sense of humour. Our friendship grew with each passing day. Especially, since Ronnie wasn't by my side physically.

"Good morning, Sage!" Erin greeted with her usual enthusiasm. "How's the project been treating you?"

"It's going well, thanks," I replied, my smile widening. "I've found my rhythm in this place and I have gotten a hang of the projects and their deadlines." I sipped my latte again before asking, "How about you? Any exciting plans for the weekend?"

Erin's eyes sparkled as she launched into a descriptive piece about her weekend plans. Moments like these reminded me of the healing power of friendships and new beginnings.

As I settled into my day, my phone buzzed with a message from Ronnie. Thank God! The timing was perfect–I had been eagerly awaiting to hear from her. Ronnie's honeymoon with Jav ended weeks ago, so they were back in London and I had yet to hear from her properly. I couldn't wait to hear about the exciting places they went to and the things they did in Marrakesh, Morocco. Everything that unfolded between them was like a fairy tale, and I was thrilled to hear how their new life together was shaping up.

I opened the message with delight and an overzealous squeal, that had probing eyes questioning my sanity. I looked back at my phone quickly, ignoring the unwanted attention.

Ronnie: Babe! I know I've been terrible. I can't even talk long, but I wanted to check-in. Jav and I are having an amazing time here in London. We've been shopping for the new place. I can't wait for you to visit. The city is everything. It's better than I can remember. We got a place in Chelsea and we've been exploring the markets and enjoying some cozy evenings together. I miss you and can't wait for us to catch up properly. Hope the new job is treating you well. Sending lots of love!

A smile crept onto my lips and I felt the corners of my eyes prick. Ronnie's words were a balm to my heart. Then another message came in.

Ronnie: Did I mention? I'm having a baby! I know it might be too soon to be pregnant again, but it just happened. We're excited and we have been setting up a nursery for him or her. I'm crying while texting you. Jav will soon call for me. Oh, I haven't forgotten that we haven't caught up on the Marrakesh honeymoon. Here are some photos from the trip. The highlights. Mwah!

Then a string of photos came flooding onto my screen. I scrolled through everyone. Leaving hearts on all of them. I'm so happy for her. The tears were streaming uncontrollably down my face now and onto my phone screen.

S: Congrats, hun! I can't stop crying either. I'm so happy for you Ronnie! London sounds incredible. You must be exhausted. Get some rest. It's late where you are. Don't worry we can plan the trip together when you have time. No rush. And I can't wait to meet my new niece or nephew! Wishing you both all the happiness in the world. Enjoy every moment together! *hugs*

Ronnie: Thank you, S! This means a lot! *hugs*

I locked my phone and placed it back into the drawer. The news of Ronnie's happiness filled me with warmth. Ronnie told me that her transition to the Heinrich's London office was another hectic move. She had only sent an email from her office when she began, before this big announcement. A baby!

In the office, Erin couldn't wait for work to end so that we could hang out. It was nice to have someone to chill with. My new role was challenging but fulfilling and it helped with everything that was going on around me. Now going to work was a place where I could get away from certain realities.

As the weeks turned into months, the fragility of my relationship with Roman became evident. Our attempts at reconciliation were tense but hopeful. Each weekend, we would plan dates–dinners at quaint restaurants, stroll through parks, and quiet conversations that included tidbits from our pasts. Some of these conversations would turn into heated arguments and even hotter makeup sessions. No sex included. We were determined to take things slow, but this only intensified our longing. Additionally, our time was precious because Roman had to be in Monte Carlo every so often to be with Liam. He finally introduced him to me, even though it was a video call, but at least we were getting somewhere. I'd ask him about Kat and he would let me know that she was on some adventure somewhere across the world. This time it was Russia from an email he received from her. He was putting in a lot of effort to make amends and rebuild our trust, no matter how tinged it was with betrayal and deceit. It was slow but I had to admit that it has been worth it. I wanted so desperately to understand him better and he was letting me. His past is still cryptic. I had so many questions, that I didn't want to bombard him with all at once. We were building ourselves up bit by bit.

Now and then, Roman would inform me of messages from Ekko. Gosh, I hated him. He was another reminder of Roman's unresolved past. His newest message, which I saw sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't done with us...yet.

Ekko: I'm waiting for you, Bruder.


Notes: German: Bruder - Brother

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