Chapter 4: The Decision

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I woke up feeling refreshed and revived. My mind was at ease compared to yesterday. I had a new perspective on my life and all the possibilities which I hadn't discovered yet. The sun streamed in through the windows inviting us into its warm lights. I couldn't wait to feel it on my skin. I hopped out of bed, startling Olaf in the process. He jumped on the floor in a hairy mess and modeled out of the room as if his life never flashed before him. I laughed at that. I ran behind him to scoop him up in my arms for a nice, snuggly hug. He smelt like freshly sun-dried linen from sleeping in my laundry after being washed, as always. I put him back on the floor and headed for the bathroom. I can't wait to submerge myself in the heated water. The morning was chilly as usual, and I had to pick up Ronnie and I's breakfast at our favourite cafe. I saw a message from her after hugging Olaf, and she was headed to the office early today again. This client has everyone at the office working overtime. I'm just glad I am not a Lead. The pressure is on them to get everything in place for the presentation next month.

While in the shower humming to myself, my mind began drifting towards Roman. He had a unique quirk that pulled me in. I don't know if it was the way words dripped out of his mouth in that calm, self-assured tone. Or the accent behind it. Or him disappearing and appearing out of nowhere. It was like a drug that had me hooked. I don't know how deep of a catch I was, but I loved being enthralled by his presence. He filled up the room, just by walking in, without speaking. There was a heat that radiated off his body and onto mine when he was around me. I wanted to pull him closer to see how hot he was. My body fell hot thinking about him until I noticed a scorching heat coming off my chest, breasts, and thighs.

"Ow, ow!"

The water was running too hot. I dashed out of the shower and into my closet to dig for an outfit. I pulled out dark brown pants and a muted green top to wear. I did the best I could do for my hair, grabbed the keys from the coffee table, and headed out the door.

Mr. Heinrich invaded my mind the entire car ride from my home, to the cafe, then to work. I let it happen freely. I had a smile on my face that I didn't want to let go of. I felt so carefree. When I stepped into the department I went to Ronnie's office. Her head was immersed in her laptop, with her mouse clicking away rapidly. She had her drawing tablet in her lap and scattered pieces of paper with scribbles and drawings all around her. She was deep in her work. I didn't want to disturb her so I left the bag on her desk and made my way to the door.

"Did you make up your mind yet?" She caught me by surprise. I jumped and turned.

"You scared me." Holding my chest.

She started rummaging through the bag and pulled out a sandwich.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"You looked busy. I didn't want to disturb you."

"So you would rather starve?" She inquired while taking a bite of her sandwich.

"No, and to answer your question, yes, I did make up my mind. I was about to head to his office."

"He's there. We came in at the same time, surprisingly."


She nodded enthusiastically with her mouth full.

"Be gentle with him."

I left her eating and went to his office door. I straightened up myself before knocking.

"Come in."

His office was quaint. All beige walls, a large hardwood desk that was at the center. It was in front of gigantic glass windows, which overlooked the cityscape. His laptop had papers stacked on top of it and his monitor was lit up, which looked like he was hard at work like Ronnie for this presentation next month too.

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