Chapter 38: Ekko

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One month ago...

"Onkel Ekko," Liam exclaimed.

He ran to him. His feet scattered the pebbles on the pathway on the grounds, behind the home. His nanny ran behind him, trying to catch up, but Liam was quick. Ekko stooped with his arms outstretched for him. Then scooped him into his arms for a hug. Liam's German has gotten better, but his English needs work. He was resilient when it comes to learning. He made me proud.

Afterward, Claire took Liam inside for lunch, leaving Ekko and me to talk. We began walking towards the balcony that overlooked the city and sea.

"You've been avoiding me, Bruder," he began. "I've been waiting for you, but Mahieu told me you took up residency at the house by the shoreline," he said, tsking.

He stood next to me and our differences couldn't be more obvious to us, but to the outside, we remained the same. Except for our hair. I was fair and he was dark-haired, like our Mutter.

"What are you hiding, Ro? Because I know you're not hiding from me."

"I am not hiding anything. I'm here aren't I."

"I don't believe you."

"I needed to be within the city for some business and I wanted to keep Liam away from the noise so that he can focus. That's why he's not with me."

He watched me closely. Lightning split the sky in the distance, but the weather remained clear over the city. A few clouds had rolled in but nothing threatening.

"Okay," he said with a smile on his face. "Tonight we celebrate our reunion, Bruder. The Heinrich way. We haven't partied together for so long. We both work too much."


A few weeks into the month...

The night air was thick with the scent of alcohol and sweat as I stumbled out of yet another raucous party with Ekko in tow. We had become inseparable in these late-night escapades, our lives intertwined in a blur of hedonistic indulgence. But tonight, as we walked down the shadowy street, I felt a familiar pang of guilt gnawing at my insides. I glanced sideways at Ekko, whose easy smile and carefree demeanor belied the chaos he often wrought in my life. We had grown up together, I was always the responsible one, while Ekko got us into trouble more times than I can count. I admired him when I was younger, and followed everything he told me to do. Until... I shook the bitter memory from my head.

As we got older and started our lives as young adults, our bond had taken a darker turn. I had fallen in love and he wanted to continue his games. He didn't like that someone was manipulating my time. He and Mahieu were more alike than I'd like to admit. I can see why they would be drawn to each other. Ekko and I had our mother's charismatic charm, but where Ekko was more of a manipulator like our mother, our little sister, Emilia and I were like our father. Withdrawn and empathetic.

My thoughts drifted to Sage. We had shared moments of tenderness and understanding amidst the tumult of this summer. Yet, these moments were overshadowed by the guilt of my own actions. I had distanced myself from her, unable to face the disappointment in those compassionate eyes.

"Why do we always end up like this, Ekko?" My voice broke through the silence between us, heavy with frustration and self-loathing.

Ekko chuckled lightly, oblivious to the weight of my words. "Because life's too short to dwell on consequences, Bruder. We live in the moment."

I shook my head, the conflict raging within me. Ekko, with his devil-may-care attitude, seemed to hold the key to freedom I yearned for but could never grasp. "You ruin everything," I muttered under my breath.

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