Coincidence Chap.8

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A Few days later....

you'd just returned from helping Tighnari with what was left of the withering zones, due to the damage that was left behind even after It went away you were hoping to heal the earth there slowly but surely, you'd gotten a little dirty from today's work so you went to freshen up a little and clean up as you wanted to go to the city today, Dehya Invited you to come with her and Dunyarzad for a shopping adventure In which you accepted as you needed something fun to do, and a girls day out was just the right choice for today. You'd just put your hair back into it's usual braid before grabbing your pack, making sure you had enough Mora for the day as you then left Gandharva Ville but you had to walk half the way before getting a cart to ride on to the city

and upon getting off the cart you headed to the Grand Bazaar where you were meeting them, you slung your pack over your shoulder as you headed through the large doors and Into the place that was bustling with business today, looking around for your friends as you did so

"(Y/n)! over here!"

you looked to see Dunyarzad and Deyha, waving to them with a smile as you headed over exchanging hugs of greeting before you started off walking together

"How have you been, you look well" said Dunyarzad

you smiled, "I've been good, still hard at work on becoming a forest ranger"

Dehya gave your hair a little ruffling, "you found your calling, I'm happy for you"

you laughed and fixed your hair back, you knew Deyha for a longtime too just like Candace she was like an older sister to you as well just like Candace, though Candace was more motherly 

"Did Candace not want to come?" you asked

"she did but she's busy right now" said Deyha

just then Dunyarzad pointed out one of the vendor's that sold cosmetics, In which made you and Dehya rush over as you looked at the compacts of shadows or sticks of eyeliner, you didn't wear much makeup except the occasional eyeliner but you still liked makeup a lot. Dunyarzad picked up one of the powder compacts as she admired the inside of It, you decided to buy the liner sticks and a shadow pallet, after the others made a few choices you all soon moved on to look at the various fabrics and or clothes that were already made

"Hey, My Lady did you know that when (Y/n) was seven she-"

you stopped her, "Please don't tell that story!"

"you and Candace are always telling those embarrassing ones"

Dehya broke out laughing, "What It's because they're cute and hilarious"

Dunyarzad laughed, "If you don't mind I'd like to hear It at least once"

"Okay, Okay just this one time alright (Y/n) I promise"

you let out a sigh as she told a story from your childhood, once when you were seven years old you were playing in the sand as usual but then you saw a Lizard emerge, and you screamed before yelling out "Monster!" running to your mother,

Dehya couldn't contain herself with laughter, "Sorry...Sorry It's just that the Lizard wasn't that big and yet you..."

you crossed your arms feeling embarrassed, just then you felt a familiar presence along with a breeze blow past you, It made you turn to look behind as you saw the Wanderer walking as he had some cloth packs in his hand, you smiled a little bit as you started thinking to go say Hi

"Um...Dehya, Dunyarzad I'm sorry I'll be right back could you hold my stuff please,"

Dehya took your bags, "Sure"

you then started away as you went after The Wanderer, but then he paused his steps 

He sighed, "Let me guess...It's you isn't It"

you smiled, "Yeah, I...I just wanted to say Hi"

he turned around, "didn't think I'd be running into you again"

"Same but...It's a Coincidence just like the other times" you said

Wanderer looked behind you, "Those your friends over there"

"Mhm, Lady Dunyarzad and her bodyguard Dehya"

Wanderer turned his attention back to you, "I see"

you started, "So what're you upto today"

"I...I was running some errands for my uh boss, and Akademiya scholars" he said

you nodded, "oh, you're associated with the Akademiya then, that's nice"

he chuckled a bit, "I wouldn't say nice exactly I'm mostly an errand boy"

your eyes then drifted to the golden feather that hung from his Vision, "That's pretty"

he looked down, "Not's just an old feather from the past"

Wanderer's eyes met yours again, "but enough about me, what about you did you come up with a name for me yet?"

"Not yet but I'm still working on It I promise" you said

he sighed, "I'm not holding you onto this you know, you don't have to do this"

you shook your head, "But I want to, after all you helped me so much before so It's only fair...where I come from a debt is always repaid"

Wanderer realized and thought about It, "you know...I agree with that, but In my words I call It balancing the books"

"Then, If there's anything else I can do to help you just let me know" you said

Wanderer smirked a little, "I'll think about It"

seeing the smirk on his face made you feel a warmth come to your cheeks, It was dashing

you fiddled with the end of your braid a bit, "Um...If you ever need to find me I live In Gandharva Ville with the Forest Watchers"

he was surprised, "Seriously"

"Mhm, I'm trying to become a Forest Ranger right now" you replied


just then you heard Dehya call your name, and you spun to wave back at her

"Your friends are getting Impatient, you should go back"

you smiled, "Yeah, well have a good day see you later"

you started to leave but he stopped you, all the while his cheeks were dusted with some pink In which he knew he was blushing, he didn't know why but he'd suddenly taken Interest In you after these few times you've met and you did Intrigue him a lot but he knew he shouldn't do this, letting someone back into his life like this after starting over as he wasn't yet ready for It, he didn't know why he suddenly wanted to see more of you now

*She Interests me...that's all It is, maybe I could have her assistance with some things going forward since she offered*

"Two days from now meet me back here," he said

you nodded, "Okay but what for?"

Wanderer sighed, "I'll tell you then don't worry about It now,"


he turned on his heels to leave but then stopped, "Also one more thing...that Tattoo on your lower back where'd It come from?"

 "I don't know, I've had for a longtime now I don't think It's a tattoo It might be a birth mark"

his Indigo eyes looked back to you, "It's Pretty"

you felt your heart skip a beat, just as a breeze went through the air as he continued walking away while you stood there, before you abruptly went back over to your friends.

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