To Aaru Village Chap.10

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Two weeks later...

After wining a bet with Wanderer you decided to bring him with you to Aaru Village, to visit Candace again but also Introduce him to her as you considered him your new friend, you didn't dare bring up the topic of If you were friends or not because you didn't know what he'd say, and though with annoyance he gave In and brought only himself to go along which meant you packed for yourself only, In which you had no idea he didn't need food or water and he hadn't told you yet that he was a puppet as he didn't trust you enough for that yet.

After getting a night's rest of sleep you woke up as usual in the morning and changed, before you went to have breakfast with Tighnari and Collei as usual, also telling about your trip today In which Tighnari told you to be careful as It was especially hot In the afternoon out there but you assured him that you'd be fine after all you were born from the desert. After setting off from Gandharva Ville you Traveled to meet up with Wanderer In the city and be taken to the Wall of Samiel by Wagon though It would be quite the trip just like It would be through the Desert

just as you came to the outside of Sumeru city you saw him with his arms crossed, you waved and called out to him, In which he opened his eyes and gestured you to follow him to the wagon

"Good morning"

"Morning, got everything you need?"

you smiled, "Yep, what about you?"

Wanderer tried to think, "I...I'll be fine In the Desert don't worry about me,"

you got into the back of the wagon and he did too, "Then you could say the same for me"

he was curious, "How so?"

you started, "Well, I was born In the desert raised In Aaru Village and I only left after I turned nineteen"

he was surprised, "I see, I thought you were older"

you giggled, "I get that a lot, and you? how old are you"

by calculations he already knew In human years, "uh, Same as you"

you smiled, "that's cool,"

just then you signaled to the man and he made the Sumpter beast get going, and you felt the wagon starting to move as you went further and further from the city

Wanderer sat back and crossed his arms, "So...where're we going again?"

"The Lower land of Setekh, and we can only go so far until we'll have to walk the rest of the way"

he gave a nod but then looked at you again, "Raised In the desert huh"

"Mhm, My Mother's still there but my father left a longtime ago when I was seven and it's speculated that he'd gotten lost In a sand storm which caused his death"

you took in a breath, "but...sometimes I like to believe he's still out there"

Wanderer gave a nod, "That's an Optimistic way to think...but I know what It's like to be...Abandoned"

you looked to him in surprise, but then you started to feel bad "I'm sorry..."

"I was Abandoned...but then I found out the truth"

"The truth?"

Wanderer then realized he shouldn't dive any deeper about his past, and he remained quiet for mostly the rest of the ride to the Wall of Samiel but the silence was broken by your humming

"What song is that?" he asked

you blushed a bit, "Oh It' I grew up hearing"

"I want to hear It a loud" 

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