Cyno's Comfort Chap.21

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Five days had passed since then, and you did try to look for Wanderer but he really did seem to vanish all of a sudden which only continued to drill a hole In your heart, In which upon asking for Cyno's help to find him he of course accepted and even sent his subordinate's to keep an eye out. But It all proved to be futile as Wanderer was nowhere to be found In Sumeru anymore, which made you start giving up hope of ever seeing or clearing things up again, and Cyno could see the great sadness whenever he looked you In the eye's, you didn't even really show too much of a smile these days which It hurt him to see you In such low spirits like that.

You were currently In Gandharva Ville, helping Ashpazi In the kitchen as he prepared dinner tonight which was going to be Biryani along with mushroom hodgepodge, you took the basket of mushroom's and went to go wash them before you sliced them In half 

Ashpazi looked at you, "Hey you feeling okay?"

"...Yeah I'm okay"

just then you didn't notice what you were doing and accidentally cut your finger


Ashpazi put down the bowl of rice, "are you alright!"

you clutched your finger In pain as it started to bleed, but It wasn't too big of a cut 

"Excuse me Ashpazi, I'm sorry"

you quickly covered up your wound so no blood would get anywhere as you quickly left the kitchen, and you went back to your house where you took out the first aid kit, then cleaning and wrapping your finger just as you heard a knock on the doorframe, with Cyno standing there


you looked up, "Oh Cyno"

he came over, "What happened did you hurt yourself?"

you shook your head, "I was cutting mushroom's, I troubled Ashpazi today I'm sure"

Cyno let out a sigh, "You're not troubling anyone, but we're all worried about you"

you looked elsewhere as you stood up, "I'm fine...really"

Cyno caught your hand, "(Y/n) look at me"

you slowly met his gaze, "Cyno...please let go, there's nothing wrong"

"I'm not a fool do you know how many people I've Interrogated, I can tell when someone's lying and I see It in your eye's right now, not to mention how sad you've been lately"

Cyno held you by the shoulders, "I know something's wrong, does It have to do with that Wanderer? If so please tell me I want to help you"

you shook your head, "I can't tell you so please...just leave me be"

"I'm not going to just stand by and watch you lose yourself!"

you snapped back, "And why not I already lost something else I cared about! just leave me alone Cyno!"

Cyno's grip became a bit harder, "Because I love you that's why!"

you stood there for the moment before your eyes clouded up, and soon tears streamed down your cheek's which made Cyno's heartbreak "I'm sorry I...I didn't want to tell you like this"

you buried your face In his chest as you cried, and Cyno brought his arms around you

"I'm sorry Cyno...I...I just I don't know what to do...!"

he rubbed your back, "I understand, but I'm here for you"

you looked up at him, "How long, how long have you loved me?"

"Ever since we first met a while ago" he said

"I see, Cyno I care about you and I think I used to feel the same but-"

Cyno put a finger to your lips, "I already know your heart doesn't belong to me, It's that Wanderer guy right?"

your cheek's became crimson, "......."

Cyno then smiled, "I've known for a while, It hurt but all I want is you to be happy even if you're not with me"

you looked up at him, "Cyno, I'm really sorry...."

Cyno shook his head, "Don't apologize, no one can help who they fall In love with and the same can be said for even the gods"

you closed your eyes, "What do I do now?"

Cyno lifted your chin, "what do you think? what's your heart telling you"

he held your hand and brought it to rest over your heart, you then closed your eye's as you started thinking but then all of a sudden you smelled smoke on the wind. and you scrunched up your nose as Cyno released you from his arm's, you then rushed over to your window as you looked to see smoke In the distance which made your eyes widen

"Cyno there's a fire!"

he furrowed his brows, "What?"

Cyno came to have a look, you quickly went to get your fire equipment that Tighnari had all the rangers and Trainee's keep on their persons "Cyno I'm going to go see what's happened"

"Hey Wait! be careful okay" he said

you nodded, "I will,"

you then hugged Cyno one last time, "Thank you...Cyno I can't love you the way you love me but I'll always have a place In my heart for you"

Cyno smiled, "That's good enough for me, now go on"

you gave a firm nod before taking off as Cyno watched you go, he then thought to go fill In Tighnari on the situation all the while you ran into the Avidya Forest, you knew you had to climb up one of the tree's to get a better view on where It was so you did, even though you were terrified quite frankly but you kept on climbing up until you reached the top

you then reached for you mini telescope as you took a peak, looking all around until you landed On not too far away you saw the smoke but what's more, Wanderer was down there and to your horror he was trapped where the fire was.

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