I'll be your Wings Chap.16

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A Month later....

It was In the afternoon and you were on your way to meet up with Wanderer, after a long day of doing your tasks and or studying under Tighnari's lecture you finally had time to yourself, so you sought out your close friend and made your way out of the Avidya Forest, hoping you'd find him in the city around this time or maybe he was with Lesser Lord Kusanali, in which not too long ago he brought you to meet her as she'd wanted to meet you, you were unsure of how to act around Nahida at first but she was very kindhearted and not to mention adorable. But you were able to talk to her with ease and she'd told you to keep being his good friend.

You soon arrived at the Grand Bazaar, It was bustling as usual but you didn't see him anywhere so far but you kept on looking that was until....

"What're you doing here"

you nearly screamed as you jumped and turned around to see a laughing Wanderer

you put a hand to your heart but then frowned, "you really scared me you know"

"I know, which is why I did it...you gave the most hilarious expression"

you started brushing past him but then he gripped your hand, "I'm sorry okay"

you giggled, "I know, but still the Lesser Lord told me what a nasty streak you have"

he sighed, "she's too much"

Wanderer fixed his hat as he looked around, but then he pulled you along by the hand as you laced your fingers together, and the action made something stir within you both as you hadn't held hands like this before, and Wanderer could feel that annoying beating In his chest again

"Where're we going?" you asked

"Don't ask just follow me" 

you looked at him as he pressed on ahead while still holding your hand, and a smile came to your face as you kept following him but then you found yourselves leaving the city

"We're leaving the city?"

"Yeah, yeah just keep following me, oh and close your eyes"

you were confused but did as told as you trusted him to guide you, and you did nearly fall a few times but luckily he'd caught you in time before you could hurt yourself, and it seemed you'd been walking forever but you were tempted to open your eyes though 

"Wanderer we've been walking for a longtime now"

Wanderer's lips curved, "just a second"

he then stopped walking as he released your hand, "Okay open your eyes"

you opened your eyes to see you were at the top of a point In Adravi Valley, and the scenery that overlooked It was beautiful which allowed you to see the now setting sun

"Oh my...."

Wanderer put a hand on his shoulder, "How is it?"

you took a step further but then recoiled backwards In fright as you'd looked down, 

"It's beautiful but...so high up"

Wanderer looked at you, "Yeah, is there something wrong with that?"

you shook your head, "n...no It's just that I'm...scared of heights"

Wanderer was surprised but then in his mind he started thinking of an idea, he then made his hat disappear as he started walking towards the edge of the cliff

you got worried, "What're you doing? that's too-"

he stepped off and you gasped but then saw him rise back up into the air, and there was Anemo energy keeping him up as he was flying which you remembered from before

"Oh right...I saw you fly once, I forgot you could"

you walked over to him but then he held out his hand, "Come here"

you shook your head, "but...that's..."

he looked you in the eyes, "You're safe with me I promise, just take my hand and let me show you what it's like"

you felt a blush come to your cheeks, and you slowly placed your hand In his but then he swept you up into a bridal carry, which made you hold onto him tightly as you looked down again

Wanderer looked to see your eyes shut tightly, and he could feel you shaking in his arms so he started to rub your back as to help calm you down more, and eventually you did relax

and you slowly opened your eyes as you looked up at him, "Okay...I'm ready"

Wanderer's lips curved, "Hold on"

he then started off and you held onto him as he started flying through the air, and the views below were one's you'd never even seen within your dreams, It was breathtaking and the more you looked at the scenery the more you started to lose your fear

"It's so beautiful!"

Wanderer smiled, "Good that was what I was hoping you'd say"

the sky had turned a beautiful shade of orange with some pink, but then as you flew over the Avidya forest you could see Gandharva Ville which made everyone look like small ants, and as you continued looking down below you started resting your head on his shoulder

a smile came to your face, "Thank you...for showing me all this,"

Wanderer's cheeks became pink, "don't mention It"

In his mind the notion of you having this contact with him, It was actually nice to him just like when you'd hugged for the first time and when you'd held hands earlier

*What the...it's a new thing but why does It feel so...nice, and this way I'm carrying her almost like I want to be the only one who holds her like this*

Wanderer felt that thumping in his chest return as a warm feeling came again, and as he looked down at you his Indigo eyes shined from the light, and as you caught his gaze you'd almost forgotten how to breath as you saw how the light caught his eyes In the light

In his eyes they were like the sky, but they were also filled with many emotions not to mention as if he'd gone through so many things In his life, which made your heart start to ache

"Wanderer...when I look In your eyes I can tell you've been through a lot, and I don't know what that might've been but...I'm here with you now, I care about you"

your words struck him deep, and he could've sworn he almost felt something warm gather In his eyes but he quickly blinked It away as his cheeks turned pink, "you...you're so weird"

"Maybe I am!" you said with a smile

and Wanderer started laughing In which made you laugh too, but then your laughter halted as you saw the sun was almost nearly down, which made Wanderer head back to Gandharva Ville

and he soon descended to the ground to put you down, he then summoned his hat back to put It on his head as you waved to him before he took off back to the sky, and you walked back to your house all the while you felt a giddiness In your heart.

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