Stay with Me Chap.22

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You looked on In horror and shock seeing Wanderer trapped with the fire, you then started climbing down the tree as you started running as quick as you could to where It was happening. Once there you saw the fire starting to get bigger as well as spread, but he wasn't moving Instead he was sitting In the enclosure that surrounded him along with the fire

you started running over, "Wanderer!"

through his dazed eye's he looked to see you, which made his eyes widened as he stood up

"What the hell are you doing here!" he shouted

you tried seeing if you could find a way In, "What're you doing!? How'd this fire start"

Wanderer let out a sigh before he sat back down, "Go away, unless you want to turn to ash that badly"

you gripped onto the wood, "Wanderer please you have to get out of there!"

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to sit here and take the rightful punishment I deserve"

your eyes widened, "What? no you can't mean that..."

Wanderer looked you In the eye, "Exactly...I'm going to burn to death like I should have centuries ago...It's probably the only way I can make up for all I've done"

you shook your head, "It's not! you've been taking responsibility this whole time by living for those who aren't here anymore, Wanderer please I...I don't want to lose you!"

his Indigo eye's widened, he then clenched his fists "Why...Why would you say that now after what I did, after what I did to you!"

you kicked and tried pulling to get inside of there, but It was of no use, and you looked In fright to see the fire getting closer to where he was, so you summoned your Claymore as you broke a way through and rushed over to his side as you tried pulling him out but he pushed you away

"Stay away from me!"

you fell onto the ground, you then gripped the dirt, "You deserve so much more then this even if you don't think you do, I know it!"

Wanderer looked up to the sky, "Maybe but not're an idiot you know that, you're going to die here with me"

he clenched his fists as he felt his heart ache, "I...I didn't want drag you into this...."

you saw the heartbroken look In his eyes, and It made your heart clench as you started walking closer to him but his eyes glowed as he raised one of his hands

"Stay back or else!"

some tears streamed down your cheeks, "I'm not going to leave you here"

you kept walking closer and closer to him, "You've been hurt all your life, you lied and you killed because of that but It was In your past life...not now, like I said before if Lesser Lord Kusanali can give you a chance why can't anyone else...and I want to be that chance"

he wavered, "What're you talking about?"

"I want to give you a chance, and I want you to take a chance together with me...Wanderer all this time I've been confused about my feelings towards you, I did adore you and you were a friend but then It changed"

Wanderer gritted his teeth, "Don't take another step or I'll kill you myself!"

"I won't hurt you nor will I let you be hurt ever again, I swear It on my life as a daughter of the well as my feelings for you, Wanderer you have to know...I Lo-"

"Shut up! Shut up!"

he gripped his head as he then felt tears running down his cheeks, all the while flashbacks from the time you spent together came flooding back "You don't know a damn thing I...I'm'm a...."

"You're human just like me!"

his eyes widened, Wanderer then snapped back to reality but then you started coughing as the smoke was getting to you and he started rushing over to you, just as the flame's grew larger In which made Wanderer realize what he'd done or rather what could happen 

Wanderer then looked to see that you'd fallen to your knees In a coughing fit, and he ran over as he then supported you as he lifted you into his arm's, creating an Anemo shield as he started walking out of there with you in his arm's just as some Forest Ranger's came with Tighnari

"(Y/n)! Hey is she-"

Wanderer stopped, "She'll be fine, just leave her to me"

he then continued walking as he then took flight, getting you somewhere with fresh air and that was back at Gandharva Ville, once there he carefully set you onto the ground


Wanderer then shook you, "Hey! didn't you just say you'd take a chance with me? don't do this...I can't...not again"

you still didn't respond and Wanderer started trembling, he brought you into his arms as he held you tightly to him as he started to break down "You Damn Idiot say something!"

his tears fell into your scalp as he held you, "Stay with me please (Y/n)...I'm sorry for what I did...I promise I won't make you cry ever again just...please, I love you...I love you a lot...."

Wanderer's eyes shut tightly as he buried his face into your neck, but then he snapped up upon feeling someone's arms around him and he looked to see that you'd come to

you smiled, "Kuni...."

Wanderer's eyes widened as he then hugged you again, "!!!!!!"

you started giggling as you hugged him back, but then Wanderer parted from you a little as his cheek's were now really red "Did...did you hear what I said?"

you nodded In response, "Mhm, all of It"

you then smiled warmly, "And I love you too..."

you kissed his cheek and Wanderer's eyes widened as his heart thrummed In his chest, he then covered his mouth as to hide the grin that was coming to his face as he was embarrassed

"I finally thought of a name for you, Kuni" you said

Wanderer sighed, "I guess so...It's not the best but if it's from you I don't mind"

he cupped your cheek as he wiped some ash away, "You're a mess"

you giggled, "So are you!"

Wanderer smiled lovingly as he held your other cheek, "But a beautiful mess..."

he gripped your shoulders as he firmly planted his lips on yours, and a blush came to your cheek's but you soon started kissing back as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

(Song belongs to the Weekend, All credit goes to him)

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