Silver lips [Written Chapter]

2.3K 42 4

❒ pairing: Jungkook x 8thmember!OC

❒ genre: Spicy allusion; not actually spicy

❒ words: 1.3k

❒ summary: In which Chaeri has an incredible urge to be the first to kiss her ex-boyfriend who has just had his lip pierced

❒ notes: Bold and Italic at the same time indicates a sentence said in English.

warnings: minor references of dom!jungkook / jealous!jungkook

[Takes place during the events of the American Music Awards 2021 ]

[Takes place during the events of the American Music Awards 2021 ]

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Two years. 

Two years since she had performed for the last time in front of a crowd of fans. 

Two years since Jungkook and her stopped being a couple. 

Two of the most important things in her life ripped away from her at close quarters. And everything had come to a standstill, her existence stuck at a point where the only emotions rising were loneliness and anger.

At that moment, however, sprawled out on the couch in their dressing room and still full of energy after having spent one of the best nights in years, it seemed to her that the world was slowly putting the pieces back in their place, making sense again and giving her gratification. She felt alive.

"I'm beggin', beggin' you" 

There were songs from that night that definitely had stuck in her head 

"I'm on my knees when I'm beggin' 'cause I don't want to lose you"

A dark head turned to her side. They were left alone in that room. Was that also a sign from the universe? Could it really be that it - the universe - was being gentle with her that night, after kicking her ass for those years before? Well, surely that Armand de Brignac she was sipping lightened her thoughts enough not to ask herself too many questions, neither to hide her obvious desire to keep her eyes glued on him.

He had become so 'manly' in a brief time. She would notice whenever she was beside him looking at his sharp jawline, his no longer teenage gaze, the countless tattoos on his body and that damn lip piercing. God. That's what it made him look like. The god of sins and impure thoughts. Actually, the only one with impure thoughts at this point was none other than her.

She poured additional alcohol into her glass. A whole bottle of champagne and she had almost finished it. She was an adult and they were in America, was there anyone who could stop her?

She leaned forward, letting the dress she had used for Butter's performance slip down her thighs, covering the skin that until a second ago was clearly showing. "I didn't get the chance to ask you" She swirled the liquid in the goblet "And I'm pretty curious. How does it feel to kiss with that?" Her eyes dropped to his lips. She had a damn mouth that she couldn't keep under control, yet she always claimed it as her best feature.

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