Isn't it wrong so good?

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❒ words: 650

summary: In which Chaeri and Jungkook need some time alone

❒ pairing: Jungkook x BTS8thmember!OC

❒ genre: Suggestive

April 2017

As soon as the door of the practice room shut behind the last member, Chaeri and Jungkook couldn't help but share a conspiratorial grin.

Chaeri grabbed Jungkook's hand and tugged him towards the closet in the corner of the room. It was tight inside, their bodies barely able to fit between the costumes, props, and equipment. Their noses were inches apart and they could feel the forbidden tension in the air. In that moment, they were both acutely aware of how close their bodies were.

When their lips met, it was as if a storm had been unleashed. The air around them crackled with electricity as Jungkook's hands roamed Chaeri's body, setting her skin alight with desire and yearning. He murmured against her lips, his breath hot and heavy "I've missed this so much"

She responded by pressing herself closer to him, barely able to catch her breath. Their secret relationship meant they could only share these passionate moments behind closed doors, which made every stolen second even more precious.

Their movements were desperate as their hands explored each other's curves and planes. Every moan that slipped from their mouth sent sparks of pleasure coursing through them both. Jungkook's fingers glided under her shirt, leaving trails of goosebumps across her stomach.

Chaeri's fingers tangled in Jungkook's hair as they kissed passionately, her hands skimming down his neck and onto his shoulders before slipping around his waist. His hips automatically moved forward to press against hers.

Jungkook carefully lifted Chaeri from the ground and pinned her against the wall with his body, the heat and intensity of their embrace radiating from them in waves.

The scent of his cologne was overwhelming, and when Chaeri shifted her face into the crook of Jungkook's neck, she felt an electric thrill course through her veins.

"We shouldn't do this. Tell me to stop," Jungkook said hoarsely, but it was clear that he wasn't going to put an end to their passionate moment.

Chaeri smiled knowingly, lifting her head from his neck to look into his eyes "Don't you think it's too late now?"

Jungkook shut his eyes as he let out a low sigh, pressing his forehead against hers "This is wrong"

Her lips turned upward into a sly grin. "I know. Isn't it wrong so good?"

"It is"

As they heard footsteps echoing through the hall outside their hiding spot, he brought her back on her feet. Before his mind could completely wrap around the thought that they were potentially very close to being caught, Chaeri's warm breath tickled Jungkook's neck. He couldn't help but shiver under her touch as her fingers gingerly traced his collarbone, then trailed up to his lips, pressing them together in a gentle hint for him to stay quiet. The only sound that escaped was a faint moan he managed to stifle by biting his lip.

Chaeri's tongue teased a delicate line down his neck, her teeth lightly grazing his skin. He could feel her hands on his waist and suddenly tensed up.

When he sensed her intentions, he shook his head vigorously, to try to stop whatever she was planning to do.

He would never be able to stay quiet if she went on teasing him, and their cover would be blown.

Who could have been out there? the other members? the staff? the managers!?

His grip on her waist tightened as he tried to resist her teasing, but it was becoming increasingly difficult as she deftly unbuttoned his shirt and unbuckled his belt. Her tender kisses ignited a flush of heat that spread from his neck, down his chest. There was no turning back now.

Chaeri's fingers brushed over his pants, and he gasped. This was too risky, too dangerous, but he couldn't stop her. His body was already begging for more.

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