Calvin Klein pt3

1.7K 45 3

members: Jungkook

❒ genre: Angst

❒ words: 1.6k+

❒ summary: In which posing for Calvin Klein turns out to be a more challenging job than she'd ever thought it would be

❒ notes: I don't know what to say about this. Maybe I feel like insulting myself, maybe I feel like insulting Chaeri, maybe I feel like insulting everybody. My heart aches. Anyway let me know what you think, especially what you think will happen after this Chaeri "mental breakdown"

❒ warnings: Confusing af

❒ warnings: Confusing af

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Early March 2023 (Before Harry Styles' concert in Seoul)

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Early March 2023 (Before Harry Styles' concert in Seoul)

a little off-camera

When she set foot on the set, she was greeted by a warm welcome from the entire crew. The Calvin Klein team was thrilled to see her, having finally formalized the contract to have her as their ambassador. In the past, she had received several proposals from the brand, but her company had not yet deemed it the right time for such a mature exposure. Now, however, as a young woman whose career seemed to have transitioned from 'kpop idol' to 'global star' she could boast additional benefits, such as being able to expose herself more than the usual 'label' of the kpop world typically allowed. 

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