Fix you

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member: Jin

❒ genre: fluff fluff fluff

❒ words: 1.1k+

❒ summary: In which Jin takes Chaeri to Coldplay concert.

❒ notes: Happy Easter to whoever celebrates it! I hope you are resting and enjoying your free time this weekend. I enjoyed those days because I managed to buy tickets for a Coldplay concert that will be held in my city in a few months. Finally working so hard is paying off for me in some way :) That's why I wrote this little piece of Chaeri and Jin's life excited about the thought that I will soon be having such an experience. Be happy for me, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!

❒ warnings: mentions of disbanding

April, 2017


She had been having nightmares since that word started to be part of their conversations more often than she wanted to hear it.

Their success had begun to skyrocket drastically in recent times, leading them to achievements and recognition they never imagined. Of course, fame and popularity came at a cost though.

The highest one to pay was definitely their mental health.

It was becoming more and more difficult to have a private life, to be able to go out without being escorted by at least a couple of bodyguards, to visit a place without it being mobbed by fans who wanted to meet them at all costs, to spend time with their family without exposing them to risk.

Was it worth it?

That was what members wondered, as the days, weeks, months passed. As the whole rottenness of the KPOP industry poured over them, choking them until they could no longer breathe, making them live with the constant fear of making a mistake on camera and being labeled forever for that one, banal slip-up.

They needed time off.

That's why, when Coldplay's tour stop in Seoul was announced for that April, Jin didn't pass up the opportunity to buy two tickets: One for him and one for the youngest of the group.

As lifelong fans of the British group, the boy thought that such a night would be good for both of them.

As Chaeri and Jin took their seats at the Coldplay concert, Chaeri couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement coursing through her veins. This was her first time experiencing a concert as a fan rather than a performer, and she was eager to soak up every moment of it "I can't believe we're really here. This is like a dream come true."

Jin smiled at her, "I know what you mean. I've been waiting for this moment for so long."

"Thank you, oppa. This is the most amazing gift you could have given me" To him, she was like a little sister, and he was determined to make sure she had a night to remember "Anything for my little brat"

The arena quickly grew pitch black, and the audience erupted in a roar of delight. Chaeri and Jin felt a thrilling chill run up their spines as a single spotlight shone down on Chris Martin, standing atop the sprawling stage. They were both awestruck by his presence; it wasn't just about seeing a superstar musician, but embodying the feeling of euphoria that this incredible artist brought to thousands upon thousands of people every night. The music was mesmerizing, transporting them both into another world as they sang along with their fellow fans. Every song gave way to new waves of emotion, culminating in an unforgettable experience.

The thunderous beat of 'A Sky Full of Stars' filled the atmosphere, vibrating through every fiber of Chaeri and Jin's beings. The colorful LED bracelets that adorned their wrists illuminated the entire arena like a blanket of stars. With each pulse of the music, the bracelets bled into new colors, casting an ethereal glow on everything around them. Every time Chaeri lifted her arm or Jin waved his hand, the colors swirled in a dizzying kaleidoscope. It was as if they were commanding the stars themselves to dance for them. The whole experience felt like being in another world - one where light and sound were the only forms of communication.

Chaeri gazed up in awe at the sea of lights above them, feeling like they were a part of something bigger than themselves. She reached out to touch one of the glowing stars above her head, but instead felt Jin's hand grasp hers, pulling her closer to him. The moment was electric, pulsing with life and energy. They swayed together along with the beat, lost in each other and lost in the magic of it all.

"I love you Chris Martin" She cupped her hands around her mouth to scream as loudly as she could "I love you Coldplay" at the second enthusiastic shout Jin joined in. Their voices were lost in the thousands of others who were there that night, yet they felt they were louder than they had ever been on stage.

As the chords of "Fix You" echoed through the stadium, its lyrical beauty pierced their hearts. It felt like this song was written specifically for them; every word gently cradled their souls and gave them solace in a time of hardship. Every single note seemed to understand their struggles, melancholy, and pain. It was as if the music had been woven from their own words:

"When you try your best but you don't succeed.

When you get what you want but not what you need.

When you feel so tired but you can't sleep. Stuck in reverse. And the tears come streaming down your face.

When you lose something you can't replace.

When you love someone but it goes to waste.

Could it be worse?"

When the song reached its climax, and Martin sang

"Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones.

And I will try to fix you,"

Chaeri felt tears almost streaming down her face.

Jin tenderly grasped her soft hand, and pulled her in close with the crook of his arm. Together they swayed to the melody of the song. He looked into her teary eyes and whispered reassuringly, "We'll fix each other."

"I don't want it to end, you all are my home"

Jin smiled gently at her, "You'll always have a home with us, Chaeri. No matter what happens, we'll always be a family" And with that, he pulled her into a warm embrace, holding her tight as the song played on.

Chaeri felt a sense of comfort and safety in Jin's embrace, and she held onto him just as tightly. She knew that no matter what happened in the future, they would always have this moment to look back on, this moment of pure joy and happiness.

As the concert wound down, and Coldplay took their final bows, Chaeri and Jin made their way out of the arena, arm in arm. The night sky was filled with stars, just like the bracelets that had illuminated their wrists earlier. For a moment, they both stood there, gazing up at the twinkling lights, lost in their own thoughts.

"I want to make more memories like this," Chaeri finally said, breaking the silence. "Memories that we can hold onto when things get tough. That's why I think tonight should not end here."

Jin looked at her, puzzled. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Chaeri smiled mischievously and leaned in close to whisper her idea into his ear. Jin's eyes widened as he heard what she had on mind, and a playful smirk spread across his face. He tightened his grip around her waist and whispered back, "Let's do it."

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