Jk's 14.03.23 live

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❒ genre: fluff?? slice of life?? I don't really know

❒ summary: in which Jk's live on 14.03.23 is nothing more than a summary of his time with Chaeri at the beginning of the year

❒ notes: I deeply suggest listening to the version of 'Falling' in the post, it makes me so damn emotional. It's hard for me to explain how much I loved writing about this soft Jungkook, who does everything to take care of those he loves + all written while listening to his songs (covers and non). I really hope you appreciate it the same way I do

❒ warnings: Mentions of a broken ankle and healing injuries; purchase of products containing nicotine; vaping; moody Chaeri; All events take place at the time when Chaeri and Jungkook move back to the dorms together in early 2023. The occurrences described below, however, are not placed in chronological order

How everything in the 14.03.23 live reminds Jungkook of Chaeri

23 live reminds Jungkook of Chaeri

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January/February, 2023

❥ Elfbar

჻ "You know what would make this so much more bearable?"

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჻ "You know what would make this so much more bearable?"

჻ Too little time had passed since the accident to stop hurting

჻ Chaeri had planned to finish/start the year doing one of the things she loved most: Going snowboarding

჻ Too bad she had ended up with a broken ankle, a subluxated wrist, and pain scattered throughout her body

჻ She could call herself lucky, however, because she could have broken her neck

჻ Upon discharge from the hospital, talking with her members, it had seemed like a good idea for her to spend the weeks that would follow at the dorms, so as to make it easier for everyone to drop in on her

჻ Jungkook, the only one who had no scheduled commitments, had offered to stay over to help her as much as he could

჻ And she had been nothing but grateful. She hated the thought of being surrounded only by her staff to take care of her wounds.

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