As long as I'm with you

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❒ genre: Fluff; Slice of life

❒ words: 1.3k+

❒ summary: In which Chaeri and Jungkook have a sneaky little date

❒ pairing: Jungkook x 8thmember!OC

❒ notes: I was just about to complete some requests when this little idea popped into my head and I couldn't help but dedicate myself to this

Summer 2017, Seoul

That evening's awful weather was working in their favor. Odd to say, but true.

The darkness was deep and pressing in on them, the storm clouds casting a dark shadow over the city, giving them the opportunity to be able to sneak out of their dormitory without the fear of running into too many people along the way. In that season, thunderstorms were not so common, so people tended to stay indoors rather than go out, safe in the knowledge that they could do it the next day without too much trouble.

Holy summer.

The clock on the boy's wrist struck eleven pm when they arrived to repair themselves to a cafe quite far from the middle of the city.

Soaked but giggling, they shrugged off their drenched jackets but left masks and hats to cover their faces.

The bar was empty, except for one employee who was cleaning up the counter. He looked annoyed as he saw customers walking in.

The bartender glanced at the glowing clock above the cash register, wiped a beer mug with a dingy rag, and then looked back to them "We'll be closing soon"

"Define 'soon' " Chaeri took the floor to speak

He raised one bushy eyebrow "In an hour"

"We'll be gone in an hour" Jungkook reassured

One hour would have been sufficient, they had been planning that date for weeks now.

Besides being an objectively nice cafe, the special feature of that place was having the chance to write a letter to their future self. The employees in charge mailed it on your behalf on the anniversary of the date chosen.

Jungkook's hand was shaking when he intertwined his fingers with Chaeri's. It gave him chills to be able to do this outdoors.

The bartender certainly didn't recognize them just from their voices; he was pretty sure he could be comfortable.

Chaeri looked up at him and he could see just how her eyes narrowed as she smiled despite the fact that the mask concealed her face.

"Let's take a seat"

They went to the back corner of the room, the smell of coffee and chocolates making their stomachs rumble but they would not have risked taking off their masks.

"What can I get you!?" the bartender shouted from the back of the bar.

"Just a pen and a blank letter, please."

The employee walked over to the counter, picked up two pens, and paper and came back over to them.

"Okay," she says, "let's find a way to write both of us in a neat way"

If an adjective were to be given to the sheet of paper that came out, it would probably be chaotic.

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