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Hello everyone! It's a particularly boring weekend and I'm not inspired enough to finish what I have in drafts. Therefore, I used this to make a list of hypothetical dialogues. If you want, I'd love to get some requests based on the prompts below 🫶🥹

Rules: send me one or more of the prompts listed below, paired with someone in Chaeri's life (one or plus BTS members, one or plus Ateez members, staff, family, any Hybe artist). If you want to add also more details, it will only make it funnier for me to write the request 💌


1 "I'm not drunk enough for this"

2 "I've been thinking about you a lot lately"

3 "I bought two. Here"

4 "Whatever you're going to ask, the answer is no"

5 "I never wanted to hurt you"

6 "You shouldn't insult people that are bigger than you"

7 "You don't like me very much, do you?"

8 "What are you doing out here by yourself?"

9 "You can't decide what's best for someone else"

10 "Where does it hurt? Show me."

11 "Why don't you stay the night? I'll take the couch"

12 "I'm not even going to pretend to understand what you're talking about"

13 "That was really brave what you did back there. Stupid, but brave"

14 "We can't keep going on like this"

15 "Sorry, I haven't checked my phone all day"

16 "Don't we deserve to be happy?"

17 "You don't even know my name"

18 "What happened to you, where have you been?!"

19 "That is not an appropriate question to ask a lady you've just met"

20 "I wish you'd take better care of yourself"

21 "You were talking in your sleep"

22 "I can't help you unless you talk to me"

23 "I know you better than you think"

24 "I didn't want you to see me like this"

25 "I just need a moment to catch my breath"

26 "How long have you been awake?"

27 "I did what I had to do."

28 "You must be new around here"

29 "When was the last time you ate something?"

30 "It's too dark, I can't see anything"

31 "I hope you haven't been standing out in the cold this whole time"

32 "I don't need your permission."

33 "I would give my life to keep you safe"

34 "I'm in the middle of something, this better be urgent!"

35 "Are you jealous? Want me all to yourself, do you?"

36 "If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine"

37 "Why does it always have to be a fight with you?"

38 "How does it feel to be in love?"

39 "Keep it. It looks better on you"

40 "I don't like the way they look at you"

41 "There's a reason I keep this door closed"

42 "Can you see how many fingers I'm holding up?"

43 "You don't know when to give up, do you?"

44 "You've got quite a reputation"

45 "I know I have a right to be angry, but I don't want to be"

46 "I'm not a big fan of the dark"

47 "I heard you crying"

48 "You shouldn't be here"

49 "Do you ever get afraid?"

50 "I can't sleep"

51 "Oh. You're naked. Okay."

52 "Do you think last night was a mistake?"

53 "You'll always have a home with me"

54 "Let's make a deal"

55 "Like what you see?"

56 "I see you. I know you're watching me."

57 "Put that down! You're like a child"

58 "I don't need your help"

59 "You scared me."

60 "You've been so quiet. What's on your mind?"

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