Chaejoong's first times

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The first texts

Late January/February 2022, The morning after the party, Seoul

"Hey! How many more times do I have to wake you up? We'll miss the flight if you don't get out of bed now"

Chaeri slowly opened one eye, then the other. Blinding light flooded in through the window and she groaned, the sound echoing off of her bedroom walls. Her head felt like it was filled with rocks and her throat felt like it had been scraped with sandpaper. She forced herself to sit up despite her body's protests, rubbing her temples in an attempt to ease the pounding in her skull. A frown spread across her face as she realized her manager was there in front of her, beautiful and classy as always, and very very awake. Too awake for Chaeri to put up with her after a night of partying and drinking.

"Chaeri, I said now."

"I'm up. I'm up. Stop yelling at me, unnie. My head hurts"

Kim Sena - Her manager -'s stern expression softened slightly as she handed Chaeri a bottle of water and some painkillers. "I warned you about drinking too much last night. You have to be more careful, especially with everything that's happening with the company. Your identity must be impeccable" Chaeri groaned again, unwilling to be reminded why she was on bad terms - or worse, it would be better to say - with BigHit lately.

"We have to be at the airport in 1 1/2 hours. The makeup artists are already in the living room, waiting for you. Hurry up." she added.

Sena's footsteps echoed down the hallway, and as soon as Chaeri was sure she left the floor, she collapsed onto her bed. The plush blankets and fluffy pillows swallowed her whole, and for a moment, she was lost in their cozy embrace. She decided to give herself ten more minutes of rest - just ten - before getting up to start the day. Just as she closed her eyes and felt herself drifting away, her phone buzzed under the pillow like an angry hornet. She reluctantly reached it, wondering who could be interrupting her precious few moments of peace.

As she was about to put the phone back, aware that she would see him a bit later at the airport, it buzzed in her hand, informing her of the presence of a new text

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As she was about to put the phone back, aware that she would see him a bit later at the airport, it buzzed in her hand, informing her of the presence of a new text

As she was about to put the phone back, aware that she would see him a bit later at the airport, it buzzed in her hand, informing her of the presence of a new text

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