You came

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❒ words: 619

❒ summary: The night before Jungkook's enlistment

❒ pairing: Jungkook x 8thmember!OC

❒ notes: find notes at the bottom

❒ notes: find notes at the bottom

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December 11, 2023

A Fool

A fool to think she could be indifferent, a fool to think she could bear the separation, to say goodbye to him only in front of the cameras, to wish him to stay healthy and to take care of himself in front of everyone, Chaeri felt like an idiot. A fool to believe she could have stayed home the night before his departure.

Chaeri's AirPods were out of battery, and the volume on her cell phone was set to maximum, yet she didn't mind. She didn't care that Jungkook's faint voice was echoing in the dim alley she was hurrying through, just having stepped out of the dark car that had hastily brought her to that point.

The pajama sweatpants she wore, not having had time to change into jeans, were lightweight. However, she remained unaffected by the biting winter wind, the weather gearing up for the first snow of that Christmas season. It would be the first snow she'd experience without her group, or rather, without her family, in 10 years.

The hoodie she had on was oversized, so much so that she had to repeatedly pull up the sleeves that kept sliding down her arms, extending to cover her hands, which made it challenging for her to hold the phone.

She knew the rest of the way by heart, so she allowed herself to stare at Jungkook's tired, sad face through the cell phone screen.

He was giggling over a comment about the dryer being active just hours before he started his military career, but the laughter didn't genuinely reflect in his eyes

The boy she had grown up with, the one who slept in the bed next to hers when all eight of them shared a single room, her best friend, her first kiss, her first love-the boy who had strained his voice singing to her until her nightmares faded away.

Her family.

He was going to leave in a few hours, and she would see him again, God knew when.

She was stupid to think that she could stay at her place without feeling the need to look him in the eye to bid him farewell, without the pressure of pretending and calculating words, smiles, looks.

"I'll miss you," Jungkook said, his voice soft, warm, almost hoarse. Chaeri knew him better than anyone else, knew for a fact that he would cry as soon as the live broadcast ended. And she had to be there. She owed it to him.

Despite all.

The janitor of the building where he lived recognized her right away; there was no need to show him documents or go through the necessary checks to ensure safety for the residents. She was grateful, as she was in such a hurry that she probably would not have stopped if he had tried.

She quickly made the decision to run up the stairs, two by two, as the elevator would be too slow, and she needed to reach there immediately. She felt the physical urgency.

The phone display went black; Jungkook had concluded the live, and she was right outside his door.

Gasping, her cheeks red from running.

The UGG TAZZs on her feet had only made it more challenging, threatening to trip her up more than once, but she was there. Finally.

Her long black hair stuck out messily from the ponytail she had tied back at home; she was stripped of her makeup, utterly unkempt, and hardly presentable. Yet, when the door slowly opened, and Jungkook's face appeared, his eyes wet with the tears she had anticipated, she felt perfectly in order.

Perfectly as she was supposed to be.

Perfectly where she was supposed to be.

"You came"

❒ notes: Hiii

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❒ notes: Hiii. I wrote this out of the blue, it's 4:15 in the morning here, but I couldn't go to sleep without posting it How are you?

I think I'll feel Jungkook's enlistment even more. His live sessions gave me comfort and helped me sleep during difficult times.

As for the story, just to clarify, this is not the end hehe

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