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Joshua's POV

I suddenly woke up by the sound of my alarm meaning it's time for me to get ready for today's school

The sound became louder, the way i ignore it the more it became louder and annoying so i turned it off and starting to clean my bed, although i only sleep with a futon. So i folded my blankets and placed it on top of my pillow and headed to the kitchen to cook for my breakfast since it's still early at 6 AM

"What should i make today...? Ah!" I prepared the ingridients as fast i can when i thought what should i make today and guess what? I will make an omelette

So first, i beat the egg with a fork and put it on the bowl and i started to mix it with a chopsticks and i started the gas and put the eggs on the frying pan and waited til it's fine for me to finally put fill the omelette and i choose to put a cheese, tomatoes, and herbs and waited till its cooked and i folded it, and placed it on the plate

"Smells good!" i said to myself as i started to taste the omelette i made and not gonna it's so good even if it's my first time making it

"well, guess i'm a fast learner? Thanks to my cooking book i red yesterday" i chuckled at what i said and started to eat the omelette

After finishing to eat my omelette, i washed my plate and head back to my bedroom as i started to dress up to a school uniform

After putting my uniform shirt on i wore a black colored knitted vest and comb my hair with bangs, leaving no empty space at my forehead

After putting my uniform shirt on i wore a black colored knitted vest and comb my hair with bangs, leaving no empty space at my forehead

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(yes like this)

And i packed my bag and just when i was about to leave i suddenly realized about my camera so i grabbed my camera and put it on my bag and left the apartment, locking the doors so no one can enter except for me

"hmmmmm" i hummed a happy tune i just made by myself while walking

As just i finally reached the school i was greeted by my friend, Chan.

"morning hyung!!" he greeted me with a hug

"Good morning channie!"

So meet my friend Channie, he's name is lee chan yes. He's currently 1st year student and studying Performing Arts. He's the only friend i have, although we just meet last week.

He pulled away and we start entering inside while walking about our day today and yesterday

"Hyung im going to go to my locker now see you later!" he waved at me and i waved back

I fixed my glasses and put the unnecessary things at my locker and i put the others to my bag with the things i will be using for today

And i locked my locker and head to the my first class

As soon as i entered to the classroom, i went to my seat at the back next to the window as my usual seat since i was 1st year and until now

I opened my bag and get the sketchbook i just bought last saturday when i went out and i just found it to a bookstore and since its cheap and has a cute design at the front i decided to buy it

So i started doodling some random cartoon characters as best as i can, since i'm not that good on drawing

And soon as the bell rings, i put away my sketchbook back on my bag and i get my notepad and my pen

And as the professor walked in he started the lesson immediately

2 Hours later after the first class end and i walked out to the classroom and head to the next classroom which in the third floor, so i took the stairs carefully looking at the direction im stepping and walking

As soon as i got on the 3rd floor i went to my second class which will just take 1 hour and 30 minutes for the lesson before our lunch

And i entered to the class and starts reviewing the notes from yesterday's lesson just incase there will be an unexpected quiz our prof will give as soon as she enters

And my mind was right she will give us a surprise quiz feom yesterday's lesson as soon as she enters and good thing i reviewed before she came in, and not surprising i passed and the only student passed and i can hear a lot of gossiping about me

'always the nerd get to pass, eugh..'

'nerd nerd AHAHAHA'

I looked down trying ignore the gossip about me, i want to ignore it as much i can but i can't help but to eavesdrop on them which im totally regretting to do so

So after the discussion it's time for our lunch and i head to the hallways taking the stairs to the first floor

But as soon as i got into first floor i saw a flood of girls and boys sorrounding something i went closer to see what's happening and i saw the most handsome person i ever met

'handsome what?! Nonono get it off my head' and i walked away to the flood of people and headed to the cafeteria and i was greeted by my friend, Chan again.

"chan how's your classes?" i asked him and he replied

"boring as always" he puts a unamused face and i just patted his head

"good for you, you're not getting bored with school" i chuckled at what he said

"How about we take our lunch now and forget this all stuff?" i asked and he nodded as a reply

"sure hyung!"

We both lined up to get our lunch and after a minute waiting its our turn to get lunch

As soon as we got our lunch, we both head to find a seat

And we found a sit which in the corner where nobody but us only sit there

i felt a tap on my shoulder and looked back at who's tapping my shoulder

To be continue...

A/N: a boring chapter lmao

January 18,2023

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