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It's been weeks since the last time I went to school, It's been also weeks where I got replaced by my own boyfriend. Now, I've locked myself inside, crying and cring over for an hours. And ignoring all the knocks coming from the door. I haven't eat anything other than the left over food I made, I'm always exhausted and tired to cook right now

So, I've decided today, I'll go out and maybe start living in some random place where I really belong. No friends. Not loved.

I've started to pack my things and I put it my clothes, canned foods, 5 bottle of water inside of my school backpack. And I wore my white colored hoodie and covering myself in hood, so no one can know it's me

As I grab my backpack, I saw a beads set at my table. I looked at it for a good 30 seconds, whether should I bring it and give it back to jeonghan. Maybe I'll bring it with me instead, so I put it inside my backpack, and as I was about to open the door, I saw a letter got in, and it was a mail from my father... It says, he have invited me to come and live there with new family where he can be loved once again but, no I'm not taking this stupid thing ever. I won't ever live again with him, he's the reason why my mom got sick because of his being an alcohol addict. So screw him, I rather live in some alleyway than him. So I crampled the paper and threw it on my trash bin

I walked outside and was greeted by the air that I haven't feel and smell for a week. I walked around the town to search for a good place to live but couldn't find any. So I continued until I walked out of the town and that's the worst thing i've encountered to me. That day...

While I was walking at the crosspath, I heard someone called for me, running to me, that made me looked behind me and saw, Jeonghan running to me



And he started to run to catch on me,

When I was about to run away from him i....

I got hit by a car....

the end of p1

The only thing I can came up with on how to make a good closure for this part one :) also 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Pls dont hate me

April 11

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