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"Hey shuji!" Jeonghan waved at me from outside when I look down to my windows, but he's not the only one. He was with channie and wonwoo.

I was surprised, he was with wonwoo, when he's mad at him whenever he sees him, I guess they became friends? Who knows!

I put a soft smile to them and waved back. I ran down to the stairs, ignoring that I'm still on my sleeping outfit. As I opened the door, they greetedly cheerfully

"Hey jisoo hyung, please excuse us" wonwoo greeted

"Oh no worries, welcome by the way!" and then he smiled

"Dad!" Channie ran and hugged me but jeonghan pulled him away

"na uh, even if you're our kid, you don't have to be so clingy to my bunny" I blushed, and chan put an unamused face

"Yeah yeah, nice to meet you hyung!" and chan greeted me more normal and it was jeonghan's turn

"Shua!!" he yelled ranning to me and hugged me, copying what channie just did, he put up a smirk on his face while channie is rolling his eyes and wonwoo laughing

"Hi hannie, what are you guys doing here?" I asked

"We will actually going to invite you to watch movies if you don't mind?"

"ooo what movie?" and they told them the movie, and joshua agreed, as long as jeonghan is with him or his friends, it's okay to him, I got dressed up quickly

"ooo what movie?" and they told them the movie, and joshua agreed, as long as jeonghan is with him or his friends, it's okay to him, I got dressed up quickly

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"hmmm i feel like there's missing on your outfit..." chan spoke up. And he suddenly realized what was it

"A! I know now, do you have choker?"

"w-wa ah... Yeah it's there.."i pointed him the place where it was

"great!" he picked up the choker and put it around my neck. A color white choker

"ok perfect hyung, now go seduce jeonghan hyung!"

"Wha-?!" I looked up to him and he suddely pushed me outside the door and revealed me to the two, who was watching the tv while waiting for us

"Look hyungs!" and they both stared at me

"Oh finally your down shua hyung, let's go guys" wonwoo said as he stood up and pulled chan into the scene and goes out, and they left me with jeonghan.. Great.

"H-hannie... You okay?"

"Y-y-yeah! You just look so beautiful" he said and I blushed

"stop with the flirt" and he smirked and pulled me into a kiss

"s-stop~ they're waiting" and jeonghan pulled away

"sorry baby I can't help it, cmon" and I nodded shyly and he grab me by his hand and we both went outside, meeting our friends again

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