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Its Sunday morning and i woke up by the hand poking the tip of my nose, i slightly opened my eyes, seeing jeonghan smiling while poking me

"Oh you're awake?" jeonghan smiled and i mumbled at response

"how was your dream? Better be me was in your dream" he said while grinning, and i chuckled at his reaction

"Maybe!" i said and my voice cracked

"oh you better be or i'll steal your pillow at night when you're fully in deep sleep" i flushed my cheeks

"ye-yes..." it's real that i dreamt about him tho, so i got embarrassed a bit

"good boy" he patted my messy hair, i closed my ears feeling the soft and gentle of his hands patting my hair

I heard him giggled and i suddenly realized what im doing right now

I flustered, and i randomly grabbed a random pillow and smack it to his face


Hours later

"aish- i still feel dizzy" he said, i grabbed him a glass of water


"Shua that's your 104th time saying sorry, i told you its fine, it was my fault, i should've have not laughed at you"

"Well still sor-"

"i swear if you complete that" I frowned and just starts fiddling with my fingers, until he grabbed my hand and put it, in front of his lips, kissing the knuckles, smiling like an angel

"by the way, should we continue the short session we had last night?" he smirked and i blushed

"Definetely No!" i raised my voice

"Yeah, forget the fact that you moan so many times last night, meaning you liked it" he said while still smirking

"no i did not!"

"yes you did sweetie" i was about to grab the pillow again but he suddenly pinned me in the surface of the couch,

"then let's make you even enjoy it then" he grinned and starts sucking my neck

"a-ah~ han.. stop i did enj- ah... so good~"

He continues making a hickeys on my and neck, until our body are left with pants

"h-hannie" i moaned to his full package body

i began to mark him on his neck and collarbone

"your so good joshua" he moaned in pleasure

He starts attacking my mouth, biting gently my bottom lip asking for an entrance, and of course i opened up, letting him in and explore my cavern, tasting every part of my mouth

Our kissing session ended for 5 minutes later

"shuaaa" he whined hugging my waist while i was cooking for our dinner

"what's wrong jeonghan?" i asked him, while he was clinging to me

"Better wear a hoodie tomorrow hm" he smiled, and i gave him slight smile, while i was just finished the dinner

"dinner's ready" we bgan to eat our dinner and later on,

"Jeonghan, aren't you going to go home? They must be waiting for you.." he shooked his head in response

"No, they already knew anyways, i told them i'm going to have a sleepover here at your house"

"Oh, that's good then" he puts an unamused face

"a-ah so.. Let's head to sleep?" he nodded and we fall asleep in each other's arm

"night jeonghan"

"goodnight too my bunny" he kissed my forehead before he fell aslleep


"what th-" he punched the alarm clock then realized that it was already 7:00 AM.

"shua wake up..." he shaked me off to wake up


"it's already 7!" i woke up fully by the time he said, making me make a sandwich for both of us, i grabbed the small plastic bag with the design of the cat's face, smiling

I heard the sound of a door close on my bedroom, revealing jeonghan with a wet hair, a towel around the back of his neck, making me blushed and continue packing our lunch later, or maybe to mine only, if jeonghan doesn't want it, but i spared another sandwich just incase he wants it

Jeonghan made his way to the counter, looking at what his boyfriend doing, he looked at the cat's face then looking up to me, he chuckled a bit

"Joshuji, can you smile for me quickly?" he cooed. I tilted my head, confused. So I just did what he said and smiled. He smiled back

"I didn't know, you also look like a cat" he giggled, then bringing his hand on top of my head patting it

we both got carried away when my second alarm rang again, meaning it's already 7:30 AM

"well screw it" he said, and that made us move faster to get everything done, just when i realized jeonghan doesn't have his bag on him, so i let him use my spare bag, but he declined

"No joshuji, all my stuff was on my locker anyways so, no need" he miled assuring me it was fine

We both went to school together, secretly intertwining our hands on his/my hoodie. We both seperated our ways when we're about to enter to the school

"Well see you in class, cutie" he whispered and i blushed

I walked to my locker and get what i need to use for today's class

After getting my stuff, i went to the classroom, and sat at the front for the first time, because my seat was taken by a girl, seating right next to jeonghan. I pouted when i saw the girl sitting right next to my boyfriend. And casually flirting with him

Jeonghan stood up and made his way to the front row and sat right next to me, not caring about the professor at front, well the professor don't care about it either anyways

Not talking,and had that cold serious face again, but the fact that he can control it by, caressing my hand and intertwining it, gently under the long table, i cant smile right now in front of everyone, but in my mind i'm aleady smiling

To Be Continued...



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February 11, 2023

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