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"Okay class, before i dismissed your last class for today, i would like to announce something really quickly about our upcoming field trip this wednesday"

"But first, i would like to say that over almost all of you will participate for this trip, except for one person and that's mr. hong." my eyes looked at her suddenly

"U-uhm... No prof-" i then got interrupted by my boyfriend right beside me

"He will, i'll pay for his ticket" he said while having that evil grin. I can hear all the people in this room gasped at the sudden what the prince's said to me.

"why is he doing that?"
"ughhh now this trip will be ruined by that nerd!"

The whispers became louder and louder. To be honest, i've never heard silence quiet this loud. I was getting nervous, but then jeonghan again grab my hand and caress it. But then he stood up

"Will everybody shut up." everyone became quiet, all i can hear was the sound of the AC.

"if you're wondering, are me and jodhua are dating? Well, Yes. We are. I now owns him. And i love him. If you dare to touch him or talk behind him and i caught you... heh... Just be ready and embrace yourself for what about to happen to you, either you're a female or male. He's mine now.' he then sit back, leaving all of us speechless. Mostly me, but apart of me was, blushing redly

"Alright... i hope this trip will be successful. That's all... Class dismissed!" the professor said with nervous

"Come on shua let's go home" he grabbed by my hand, leading me to my apartment

"i hate all them for whispering about you" he scoffed

"hannie calm down..." he look at me and that anger on his head is now cool downed

"im fine.." he walks towards me and hugged me tightly, i don't know if i should hugged him back but i did anyways

"i love you shua"

"i love you so much too, hannie" he then start kissing me deeply

We thwn pulled away after a short kiss, atleast that still made him happy

"wanna go date?" he questioned and i remained silent, probably confused

"speak kitty" he said smirking, while i was blushing on the pet name he gave me

"okay" i said with a pout on my mouth

I heard him giggled and i glance at him and that made him even laugh a bit louder

"shuaa your so cutee" he then pinched my cheek with smiling

"let go hannie, i'll go dress up okay?" instead letting me go, he pulled me to my room

"Whaa- hannie what are you doing?"

"Imma help you change" he then put a smirk

"I-i... Dont need to... I can do it!..." ne shook his head in response

"No shua, i'll help you, now undress"i blushed again

"in the count of 3, if you still don't undress yourself, im the one who's gonna do it" he grinned

"okay fine" i took off my sweater, and he got even closer now

And he suddenly start sucking my collarbone and neck, making a red mark everywhere of my neck

"ahhh~ han~ we're going to the mall right...?" and that made him stop

"oh yesh sorry shua! You were so hot, i couldn't take it. Don't worry you still taste great" he then gave me a thumbs up while i blushed

"s-shut up you-.."

"you huh? You angel?"


After a few minutes, we finally got dressed both, and of course i was forced to watch him undress"

"wait shua i think there's something that still missing, he then went back to my room to get that mysterious item

He then came back holding a black choker, and put it on me, while licking my neck

He then came back holding a black choker, and put it on me, while licking my neck

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"h-hannie~ stop~"

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"h-hannie~ stop~"

"sh** sorry"

We then walked to the bus stop while our hands intertwined to his thick khaki coat

Once we reached there, the bus appeared on a right timing, we walked in inside the bus and took a seat at the back

I was getting sleepy throughout the ride, and i didn't know i was taking a nap from jeonghan's shoulder now

"cute... Sleep well my bunny" he then kissed my hand

To be continued....

A/n: MEEP. Happy valentines day yall!

February 14, 2023

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