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It's currently 10 PM at night when we reached the bus stop and got off to the bus

We took a cab on the way home, we watched the night sky full of stars and the moon shining brightly above.

When we reached my house, I got off to the taxi

"Are you going to sleep at my house?"

"sure. I'm really tired anyways" I smiled breadly and jeonghan smiled back and paid the cab's service for driving us gome safely

We both walked inside and I quickly rushed to my bedroom to change onto my pajamas, as well as jeonghan but after I change, after he changed into his pajamas he closed the door to my bedroom and walks towards md

"We don't have classes tomorrow right?" I asked and, jeonghan nodded and suddenly carried me in bridal style, going to my bed

"you naughty bunny. I know what you're planning to do, so no time to be awake now, i'm so tired, let's sleep" before I say something, he fell asleep already

"well goodnight" I chuckled and hugged him and he did the same to me, my face burying to his chest to feel his heartbeat whenever he's with me

"Gnmn..."  I opened my eyes and looked at jeonghan who's hugging me from my back, I smiled and kissed the tip of jeonghan's nose, I stood up feom the bed and went to the kitchen to make toast breads hot chocolate

"Shua...?" I heard Jeonghan called for me from the room so I answered

"I'm in the kitchen!" he walks to the kitchen and hug me from my back while I was cooking

"j-jeong..han.." he put his chin to my shoulder and went back to take a short nap

"jeonghan... you're heavy, just go back to the bed, I'll just call you when it's ready"

He shooked his head

"30 more seconds" he said and I hummed in response

30 seconds has passed and jeonghan removed his chin to his shoulder and went to the living room watching some news

"Jeonghan?" I called out for him

"Hm?" he turned to look at me

"Aren't you getting bored watching news?"

"I do get bored sometimes just watching them, I mostly just want to read some mangas or stories I have on my shelf back at my place" I made an o shape on my mouth from amazement

"I also like reading!" I said happily as I'm doing plating now for our breakfast

"Want to borrow some books?"

"Sure! If you don't mind!" He smiled softly in response

"Oh! Breakfast's ready by the way!" He stood up from the couch and turns off the tv and went straight to the table, he sat next to me and we start eating our breakfast together


"Thanks for the food, soo"

"No worries!"

"By the way, wanna go to my place to get the books?"

"Sure! Let's change first" he nodded and went to go change his clothes first then me

"Sure! Let's change first" he nodded and went to go change his clothes first then me

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(their outfits)

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(their outfits)

"You're done shuji?"

"I'm done!" i replied and closed the bedroom's door

"You look cute" he chuckled then pinching pinching my cheeks

"s-staphh~" he laughs while I was flushing, he apologized after and I forgave him

"Let's go?" He said as he grab my hand and I nodded and we went to his place

After a 10 minutes walk, we finally reached his home, and I greeted the maids and butlers and they greeted me back

We goes to his room and I can't believe it's so big

A king sized bed, a gaming set up at the corner, a telivision in front of his bed, a terrace, and expensive decorations. Not gonna lie, I found it so amazing to see a bedroom like this because, since I was a child, all I have on my room is a futon and a desk for when I'm studying. And being with here on a big room with full of expensive decorations, I'm scared to touch even a bit because, I might break them and I will be in charge on paying it, so I tried not to get too near at the decorations, his computer and his bed, so I only follow him carefully

"here shuji" he called out for me to reveal his shelf full of books and mangas and I was amazed at hiw big it is and how so many books he have

"That's a lot!" he nodded

"Come, pick what you want, and you can take how many you want" he smiled and I nodded

I looked up and downs at the shelf looking for a good story and then I did found one, but it's in top shelf so I tiptoed for reaching it and hell I can't even reach it, so instead a hand grabbed the specific book I want

"Here shortie" he giggled and I frowned my eyebrows

"I'm not short! We're barely have the same height!"

"but you can't even reach the book" he continued to laugh

"i- hmph!" I stole the book from his hand and continue to find another good book

"im sorry shuaa~" i ignored him and grab the second book

"stop ignoring me shuji! I'm sorry!!" and I continued to ignore him and again grab a book but this time it's manga that contains 12 volumes so I grab all of it and I looked at him, looking at me closely

"wha-?" he immediately pulled me into a deep kiss and he grabbed the books I have on my hand and placed it on the desk nearby

"h-hanni w-what are you doing...?"

"doing your punishment baby deer" he smirked and trapped me, and start kissing me again but this time I kissed back while my hands was between our chest, as we continued kissing he grab my waist supporting my body, and then he attacks my neck, marking every part he kiss, while I keep moaning his name, feeling the pleasure he's giving me


April 2

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