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"I have some good news to tell you, Jisoo" she says in soft voice

"Your balance for your tuition fee is now paid, and your automatically will be joining for the field trip next week, if you would like to know who paid for your balance, im apologize i can't tell you, as this student's order, that's all"

My brain was not responding at what she says, how, why, and who..


Then my brain finally finish loading, as I remember what jeonghan whispers to me early

"Did jeonghan paid for ny tuition fees?? How did he even know?!" i was shocked at what im thinking

I just wait for the bell to ring and find jeonghan, but probably he will be with his friends or in the student council room, so decided i'll just going to meet with him once i saw him

After 15 minutes, the bell rang and i went to the classroom and didn't saw the person i was hoping for to find beside to my desk, so instead i pick up my sketchbook and pencil, so i can draw quietly at the rooftop, since i don't have any bento or lunch money on me right now

While walking on my way to the rooftop i saw the Vice President of the Photography Club, Choi Yena, if i remember correctly... I saw her with her friends, Its a lie if i dont find myself being a jealous a bit, i walked passed with her group and she waved at me and i waved back with a smile and continue on my way to the rooftop

I opened the doors of the rooftop, and look up to the sky, it was a clear blue sky i can feel the wind breeze to my side making all the trees leaves i saw below, waving

I went to the bench nearby the door, and sat down there and start drawing

My mind was full of jeonghan, and i would say my drawing also turns to jeonghan's face and i was embarrassed drawing someone their permission, so i hid it on my pocket until i find a trash bin

I tried to draw for second try, and good thing it's not jeonghan anymore but a rabbit hopping under the moonlight going to his owner which is the angel, i admired my drawing until the rooftop door opens suddenly, revealing, Wonwoo.

"oh hey hyung what's up?" i can tell he was surprised too when he saw me, seating by myself

"Oh hi wonwoo, im good how about you, what your doing here?"

"bored so i came here to get some fresh air and watch the roads getting flood by the autumn trees so i can take a picture to them from a far, and yes i also bring my camera with me, wanna use it?

I sparkled my eyes and nodded, and he let me borrw his camera and tries to get to know his camera buttons and settings,

After minutes studying the settings and buttons, i finally found out how to operate the camera, and to be honest, this is my first time using a big camera, because, i only have a small one which i bought it with my left over money, so this kind of camera is very new to me

I tries to capture the bird flying at the sky and it was a perfectly captured

"waaaa i took it with a right timing, its so cool!"

"Nice job hyung!" he clapped his hands and i smiled

"By the way hyung, i know all the gossips about you and jeonghan, is you know right?" i suddenly lowered my head

"Y-yes... It's not true tho, he just wanted to protect me but, he didn't meant that part" i tried to convince him but luckily he's with me

"I'm always on your side hyung, don't worry!" he patted my back softly to assure me that he's on my side

"Thanks wonwoo" a tear fell to my sketchbook while hanking him for being on my side although, we just met

"Release your tears you been holding back hyung, im here don't worry" and then i cried loudly but not enough to hear someone on below

After a few minutes, i stopped crying but i know my eyes were swollen and can tell that i cried

"Thank goodness your done crying, the bell is about to ring and you still have class after lunch" i smiled at him

"come on hyung let's go down now" he rested his arm on my right shoulder and patting it

We finally reached my classroom and he fistbump me a goodbye

I entered to the classroom and saw jeonghan seating on his desk, getting sorrounded again by girls

I ignored the glare from the girls and i just pick my notepad and notes the possible discussion later

The girls finally get back to their seat once jeonghan told them

I looked at him and he looks back and gave me a slight smile and went back to his business, but, i interrupted him by asking him about earlier

"J-jeonghan... Did you paid for my balance on tuition fee?" and he asked 'why'

"I- uh... Nevermind forget it" i bowed to him while seating and he continues maintining that straight look on his face

"Yes, i did what about it?" i widened my eyes and what he said

"Wha- why..?" i couldn't help but feel bad for your studies, you're a graduating student and you still haven't paid your tuition fee yet, i dont care even if it takes 2 million won, all i care is, you." and he went to continue his business, while he left me unspoken

"i-i you shouldn't ha-" i was cutted by his words

"Like i said, all i want is you even if it takes me to pay million won for your tuition fee, and just so you know, i've like you since the day i saw you watching our soccer match" he said in low tone and volume but its enough for me to hear him, he winks after saying that and leaned closer to my ears,

"Let me own your heart, pretty boy"

To be continued...

A/N: caring friend, wonwoo😇 and good news, this is where it's about to happen :)

February 03, 2023

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