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I woke up feeling an arm intertwines to me, when I woke up, there was Jeonghan, still holding my hands, softly snoring on his sleep. I watched him sleep for a good second

Just how he miss that angelic face, and his features. But then he realized what happened before. He don't need Jeonghan anymore. He has a new one, and that's a girl. Flashback coming to his mind, and haunts him again. Makes him want to escape from this hospital and just live on his own, without jeonghan. But he can't, he loves jeonghan but he is afraid he has to let go of him, to make him be happy

He slowly removes the latter's hands on his, and stood up from the bed quietly, without waking the older who was beside him

He removes the wires that is attached to him, forcing not to scream from the pain when he was removing it,

Due to this, the older woke up from the sound of a wires that are attached from joshua are getting removed

He saw the younger standing from his bed, trying to remove the wires. Joshua saw his widen shocked expression, and remove it quickly the wires and ran to open the door

"Shua stop!"  jeonghan shouted for him, but joshua didn't listened and opens the door and run for his life, so jeonghan have no choice but to chase the younger

'how is he so fast when he was in bed for a whole month?!'

"Shua please stop!!"

Joshua continues to run, ignoring the nurses passing by, looking left and right, to which way he will go. He took the elevator and spams the floor button

Jeonghan didn't manage to catch him up on the elevator. Good thing his mind, thinks quickly, he used the emergency stairs next to the elevator.

"I'm coming for you shuji..!"

Joshua knew this was wrong, escaping from the hospital, even though he's still recovering from the accident. But apart of him, wants to go away away from here, where he wants to live by his own just like before he met jeonghan.

He looks himself in the mirror next to him

"My image is already ruined.. Why does he still loves me?" he said to himself, placing his both hands on top of his heart

"Why...? Why..?!?!"

The elevator made a sound, notifying him, he finally made it into ground floor. He started to run again after the elevator opens

"SHUA!" jeonghan scream, earning the attention of the people

Joshua saw a familiar faces who is about to open the main door. It was his friends, but he can't talk to them right now. Its not the time as he was escaping from this building

"shua hyung?!" channie exclaimed making, vernon, wonwoo and mingyu to look where chan is looking

Joshua opens the door and ignored them and continues to run again

"JOSHUA!" he earns the attention of his four friends, this time


"NO TIME TO EXPLAIN, WE HAVE TO GO AFTER HIM!" channie nodded and so the other three and starts to chase joshua

"please... stop..." he muttered as he keeps running

5 minutes later, and he was still running, he look at his back and no one is chasing him finally

He panted breathlessly, and just sat down into the wall of the alleyway, where he belongs.

A form of tears on his eyes, blurring his vision, and thats when he realized, he is already crying

"why... h-han...? Why... Do you still... Care about me...?"

He brings his knees up to his chest and place his arms around his legs and continues to cry


To be Continued...

August 9

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