Cool spell!

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Note: As in the recent vote, there are almost equal votes for both male and female Rimuru so I have decided to go with ambiguousness. As in people are going to assume his gender to be female unless he doesn't clarify himself, and he isn't going to go out of his way to do so for every minor character. 

"Y-you were as awesome as always Ryzen sama!" said Hina.

"Hai Ryzen sama! Your fire magic is gorgeous!" Aya

"Haha You flatter me" said Ryzen, casually surrounded with girls as he came out of class after the school ended. 

"D-do you mind if we invite you to go out with us today?" asked Karla while blushing.

"Yeah please come with us Ryzen sama!" requested Hina.

"W-well you see-" 

"Hey Ryzen hurry up already. We are getting late" said Rimuru while coming to get him.

"I am sorry I already have plans for today. We will go out some other time" said Ryzen and went towards Rimuru.

"Looks like you are really popular as well. As expected of Benimaru's descendant" said Rimuru in a teasing tone as they walked away.

"They are just annoying to deal with. I am glad I could get away from them" replied Ryzen.

"Iss that so?" said Rimuru teasingly. 


"What does that new transfer student think she is!" cried Hina

"Yeah that b*tch is really annoying. Coming out of nowhere and seducing Ryzen sama like that!" said Aya while kicking a wall.

"We need to do something about this!" said Hina.

"But we can't just up and beat her like that. Ryzen sama is going to be very angry if he finds out about it" said Aya.

"Lets teach her a lesson when there will be no one looking. This year's class trip is going to be hell for her" said Karla in a threatening tone.


'How much time do you think it will take us to gather enough energy to break another seal Ciel?'

<Absorbing the Archangel Ikbo fulfilled half of the requirements. It is estimated that if we absorb another creature of that caliber we will get sufficient energy>

'I see'

The next moment a brown stick came flying towards Rimuru, but he caught it with two fingers.

"Pay attention over here if you don't want to fail in exams" 

"Hai sensei" said Rimuru with an uninterested voice which irritated the teacher even more.

"I see you already know everything. So much so that you don't feel the need to pay attention to my lecture? Well then please come on stage and demonstrate to us how you construct a high tier wind magic spell" said the teacher in an irritated voice.

With that, Rimuru got up from his seat and began walking towards the stage.

"hehe this is going to be fun" 

"I have got a bad feeling about this" whispered Kay.

"me too. I hope Rimuru sama isn't too angry" replied Ryzen.

"Alright then listen here class. I am now going to demonstrate this high tier magic in front of you. But the thing is, the magic you all are studying is actually inefficient and wastes a lot of energy, so I am going to make some necessary changes to it. Look closely" said Rimuru and started drawing the magic circle.

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