First Mission

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"Kufufufu such a wonderful day. I get to serve my lord again after so long"

"Ugh. That was more draining than I thought" said Rimuru, trying to put his voice together.

"Hai master. It seems like you are in need of energy. Please accept some from me"

"No I am fine. Right now you will be needing that power more than me. I know you just awoke after a hundred thousand years, but I am giving you my first mission" said Rimuru, finally being able to speak properly.

"It is my pleasure to serve you. And what do you suppose I should do with the little intruder we have?" asked Diablo.

"Don't kill him. He will be important for the mission. Interrogate him. Gather information. And once you are done with that, infiltrate the Heroes' Association. I want to know the extent of power of the highest beings in this world. Gauge the strength of the True Hero King Nathen, along with the others. Do not fight them unless absolutely necessary. Once you are able to find out an estimate, report back to me" explained Rimuru.

"As you wish master. I will make sure to complete the mission successfully" said Diablo and bowed.

"This high tier spell you crafted here is quite impressive. It even blocks the usage of lower tier ultimate skills, let alone unique skills" said Rimuru impressed.

"Kufufufu I am flattered master"

"Well then, I will be going back. Also report to me if you come across any other seals. Do not try to release them on your own" warned Rimuru in a serious tone.

"Hai Rimuru sama. It seems like the 'will' is still troubling you. Now then, I will be taking my leave" said Diablo and teleported away.

"The 'will' huh. That was a long time ago"


"Who the hell are you?" said Morgan as Diablo appeared in front of him.

"Kufufufu Knowing that will only cause you more pain"

Morgan instantly tried to activate his unique skill Destroyer but it was blocked.

"Ugh. I can't use my unique skills. I didn't think I would have to use my legendary sword in a lowly place like this. Come forth Durandel! Lend me your power! Ultimate skill- Legendary sword Durandel!"


"Wait what!?"

"Legendary sword Durandel? And that is your ultimate skill?" said Diablo while cutting away the arm that was holding the sword.


"This will make a fine addition to my collection"

"N-no way! I need to get out of here"
With that, he started running.

"Kufufufu I am going to enjoy this to the fullest"

3 hours later-

"Where the hell is the damn exit?!" shouted Morgan.

Suddenly the walls around him started converging.

"What the hell?"

The next moment, his other hand was sent flying.


"Keep running insect, otherwise you are going to die"

"What?" He looked around to see a ferocious beast, wearing a necklace made of skulls and a scythe in his hand walking towards him.

"N-no! Stay away!"

"You are speaking too much for a mere bug" said Diablo and grabbed Morgan by his throat.

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