The Ancient God

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"How could this have happened?" 

<Notice: Huge amount of energy detected. The explosion is going to destroy the dimensions>

"It is my fault"

<Notice: The explosion is going to take place in 10 minutes>

"I messed up. Everything is going to end because of me"

<Notice: Decide the course of action>

"Is there anything that can be done? Will this get reversed if I go back in time?"

<The bomb entity Zero-Nine is beyond the constraints of space and time. The explosion is going to happen even if we go back in time or in the future>

"That's bad"

<Notice: There is one possible solution to avoid destruction but....>

"What is it? Tell me at once! We don't have time"

<It is possible to subdue the impact if we use the high sealing magic to seal it all away but...>


<According to my calculations it will require to sacrifice all the god level immortal being currently existing for it to be possible, including you master> said Ciel with a sad voice.

"In other words?"

<All of you will either be petrified or sealed away permanently as a result. In case you are sealed, it would be highly unlikely you will ever be waking up again. It is impossible to conduct those calculations and your fate will be unknown>

"I see. It is still better than everything getting destroyed. I am sure everyone feels the same  way. I accept"

<As you wish master. I will now proceed to conduct the sealing magic>

After taking the agreement from all the god level and immortal beings like Diablo, Benimaru, Guy, Milim etc etc, Ciel casted the sealing magic and sealed the bomb entity Zero-Nine away, permanently. 

And so, one day, all the god entities vanished from the cardinal world. In their absence, the world turned into chaos. There was chaos and destruction everywhere. It took a few centuries for everything to finally get settled and the world started functioning normally.  

The bomb entity Zero-Nine was now completely sealed and sated, so that problem had now been solved permanently. Even so, there was nothing that could have been done to bring back the gods of the ancient era back. 

Thus time kept on flowing. Years passed, decades passed, centuries passed, millennia passed, tens of thousands of years passed.  

Everyone that Rimuru had known in his lifetime, like the citizens of tempest, humans like Youm, and everyone else, died due to either war or passage of time. The map of the world got changed drastically due to the war and chaos, which led to many nations getting destroyed and new ones getting emerged. The world was now nothing like before. 

Current year- 100,231--

"Its no use. I don't get it at all" said Mia.

"You will get it if you focus"

"I don't get it. Why do we have to do this anyway? Aren't we like, nobles or something? We can get anything we want with money anyway" said Mia, frustrated.

"Yeah that's true, but let's not forget that our family's reputation also depends on this. We need to achieve high rank or our family will get looked down on by other nobles" said Kay.

Ancient Gods Reappear After 100,000 Years (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now