Prelude to Disaster

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"Is what you say really true Allen?" asked Edgar in a serious tone.

"Yes your majesty. That Rimuru is stronger than the all of is here combined. He could even potentially be a SSS rank being in the future" replied Allen.

"That's ridiculous! Are you sure you are not mistaken? How could a mere brat be stronger than SS class beings like us?" asked Markov loudly.

"Let it be Markov. If Allen says so, then it must be true" said Karole.

"Tch. Then that is all the more reason for us to persuade him to join our side! If bribing him won't work and we can't do it by force then there has to be another way!" said Markov.

"Calm down. I don't think its going to be that easy" said Fritz.

"Well there is one way that comes to mind" said Karole.

Hearing that, the all them looked at Karole.

"This won't guarantee to bring him on our side completely, but at least we would be able to pit him against our enemies" 

"Hoho? I am very curious about this plan of yours Karole. Would you mind enlightening us?" said Edgar.

"Of course your majesty. So the thing is....."


"What's the matter Diablo?" asked Rimuru as Diablo appeared in front of him.

"Kufufu I have a very interesting news for you Rimuru sama. I believe I have discovered yet another seal"

"For sure? That was quick. So where is it?"

"It is located far north in the Great Forest of the Insectars. In three days there is going to be a war between the insectars and the human nation of Filt. It is almost guaranteed that the insectars are going to be wiped out in this war, but they are still willing to fight due to their belief in a 'sleeping ruler'. Rimuru sama, I had also felt the presence of a seal in that area which I believe, due to the above reason, holds the sleeping Zegion in it"

"I see. Though I wonder why such a conflict arose in the first place... Alright, I'm going to go there to look into this matter personally"

"As you wish Rimuru sama. In that case I should brief you about that place and its neighboring kingdoms in detail"


2 days later-

"Yosh. So this is the forest in which the insectars live" said Rimuru.

<Yes master. I have already scanned the entire area and it seems that the seal is not directly located here. It is instead confined in a pocket dimension whose entrance lies at the heart of the forest>

"Good job Ciel"


Suddenly a long spear came flying towards Rimuru, which he immediately caught.


Rimuru instantly teleported behind the insectar who threw it and aimed it at his neck.

"You dropped this" said Rimuru while quietly handing him back the spear.

"Why you! How dare a mere human enter our territory! You are not going to get out of here alive!" shouted the insectar and let out a weird whistle. 

The next moment, many insectars appeared all around Rimuru at once, pointing their lethal weapons towards him, ready to attack him at any moment.

"Calm down you guys. I am not here to fight"

"You talk too much for a human who is about to die. ATTACK!" 

"So you want it to end this way. Don't blame me for what happens next"

The next moment, all of the insectars except the one commanding the attack fell down, unconscious.


"Calm down Ciel. We aren't supposed to kill them" 

<Yes master. I made sure to show 'restraint' and only released enough aura to knock them out>

'Are you sure that's all you did?' asked Rimuru in a suspicious tone.

<Um.... I may have 'accidentally' tampered with their consciousness to make them see nightmares for a while...>

'I knew it'


"So what was it that you were saying? Something about me dying I guess?"

"I-It was just..... Please forgive me?"

"I am afraid that's not in my control" said Rimuru and the next moment the Insectar in front of him fell down unconscious as well.


"Just who in the world are you?" asked Corolado as he saw the last one of the insectar helplessly falling down in front of him. 

"Well that's a difficult question to answer. Lets start from you. Why are you planning on attacking the human nation for example?" asked Rimuru

'This is no good. This creature is far stronger than anything I have ever felt in my entire life. He not only managed to singlehandedly and effortlessly knock out all 1000 of my elite soldiers but he seems as if he hasn't even started using any of his powers. He could even be stronger than the monster queen herself!'

"You do realize your fate depends upon your answer right? So choose your words carefully. I don't want Zegion to wake up only to find out that his people have gone corrupt and are going against the very foundation our nation" said Rimuru in a threatening tone.

"Y-you know about our lord Zegion? How?" 

"I am the one asking questions here" said Rimuru and released a little bit of his aura.

"F-fine I will tell you. This is for our revenge. The humans were the ones who attacked us first 500 years ago"

With that, Rimuru listened to whatever the insectar king had to say.

"In short, the humans saw profit in your production abilities and the bountiful forest so they orchestrated a plan to steal everything away from you, enslaving your weaker relatives and destroying your homes in the process and pushing you to the verge of extinction. For that they framed a false attack from your side and used that as an excuse to gather true heroes from all over the world and attacked you. You couldn't do anything except helplessly trying to fight back and seeing your people die in front of you until eventually the Monster Queen bailed you out of the situation by granting you protection and thus preventing your species from becoming extinct"

"Y-yes. That's the gist of it. Now after 500 years we have recovered our strength and are now far stronger than we were ever before so we want revenge. I hope you understand our situation" said the insect king with a bow.


'Why does this situation seem far too familiar? Are the humans always going to be like this no matter the era?'

<It seems to be the correct conclusion master>

'But this has really put me in a dilemma. On one hand the insectars' feeling is justified but on the other hand it happened 500 years ago and none of the humans who took part in the massacre are alive right now. The ones currently living have nothing to do with it'

Author's note: As always, share your thoughts in the comments and upvote if you liked the chapter. If you want to chat with me or are interested in beta reading, join my discord. Link in the profile. Thanks for reading.

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