The Mysterious Figure

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One week later-

"So you are finally back Rimuru" said Ryzen.

"Yeah. Just needed some alone time" 

"Hey hey so you don't know about the plans for next week right?" asked Mia.

"The last week? You mean the next week is already our last week?" 

"Yeah. And so we will having a farewell party for the graduating batch. It is going to be a grand festival, and our adventurer ranks will be announced there as well" said kay.

"I see"

"Also one week after that, there is going to be a 'dungeon race' event. It is a very big event in which all academies take part. A number of newly formed adventurer parties enter the world famous dungeon 'Great Infinity Paradox'. It is a part of the chain of 'Infinity Dungeons' spread all over the world. 

As the name suggests, these dungeons are infinite and you can never reach the end of them. There is a mysterious phenomenon in these dungeons that expels you out of it after a certain amount of time no matter where you are, so you can only hope to go as far as possible in the limited time" explained Kay.

"Hoho? That seems very interesting. I take it these infinity dungeons have some type of space and time manipulation set in in their formation" 

"That is one of the 'Great Mysteries' of the world. No one has been able to decipher this weird phenomenon and the reason for the infinity of these dungeons. We have even tried to decipher the magic sequences and architecture with the help of our SS rank magicians but to no avail" said Kay.

"I have even heard that once the True Hero King Nathen entered an 'Infinity dungeon' himself to solve the mystery behind it. Since he has some kind of time manipulation ability himself, he tried to cheat the timer of the dungeon by extending its eject time endlessly, but as soon as he did that, something happened. 

It is not clear how much of it is true and how much just a rumor but it is said that at the moment he tried to manipulate time, the dungeon changed forms. As if in response to it, a mysterious figure wearing a mask appeared in front of him. It seemed like the figure was a real person but when Nathen fought with it and defeated it, it vanished into thin air and the dungeon returned back to its original form. Then when Nathen tried to manipulate time again, the same thing happened and the dungeon changed forms, and the same figure appeared in front of him again. 

It is said that King Nathen fought and defeated this mysterious figure a thousand times, but when he tried to manipulate time again the figure appeared in front of him for a thousand and first time as well, just as it had appeared the first time. 

Fed up with this, King Nathen unleashed his full power and destroyed the dungeon itself, but the mystery of that weird phenomenon and the masked figure was never solved. To this day, no one has been able to find the end of these dungeons. The mysterious figure never appeared again, implying that it only appeared when someone tried to 'cheat' the dungeon by manipulating time. And not just any manipulation, it need to be the highest level of at least a high tier Ultimate skill or similar for it to work as the dungeon negates any other kind of space-time manipulation due to them being too weak" explained Ryzen.

Rimuru thought for a while.

'Hey Ciel-san, are you thinking the same thing I am thinking?'

<Yes master. It is very highly likely that this is 'her' doing>

"That is a very interesting story. I am now even more interested in this 'dungeon race' event. We are definitely going to take part in it" said Rimuru.

"Yes of course. This is a very good way for new parties to show their capabilities. This event is going to be broadcasted all over and the guilds and other authorities usually mark a party they like in this event for recruitment in the future. Also with you here, I am pretty confident we can break the world record of clearing the largest number of floors" said Kay.

"Hehe of course. I don't think anyone can stop us from doing that if we have Rimuru" said Mia.

"Alright then, lets get ready. We are going to have a lot of fun"


A large forest far away-

A large, fierce looking creature is sitting on a large tree bark, intensely looking at the horizon. He then jumps down on the ground, his expression turning into anger. In front of him stands a large gathering, all looking as if they were ready to go at war at any moment.

"It seems that the humans have aligned themselves with the demon lord Kainath. We are going to be at a huge disadvantage in this war" said the creature.

"Yes but that does not mean we are going to back down. In the name of the Insectars and our great lord, we are going to take our revenge at any cost. Those humans will pay for what they did with full interest" said Flark.

"Of course. I never said anything about us surrendering. Even if it means we are going to lose, we will at least do as much damage as we can and cripple those humans. We will make them regret the day they messed with us. This way when our lord wakes up someday and learns of our deeds, he would be proud of us" said the creature.

"Yes. We have completed our preparations and just await your orders lord Corolado." 

With that, all the insectars bowed down.

Corolado took a deep breath and sighed. 

"Alright. We go to war in three days. Even if we are annihilated, the last laugh will be ours. When our lord wakes up and learns of this massacre, he will surely take revenge for us and make those humans pay"

"Kufufufu so this is it. I need to inform Rimuru sama of this development at once"

With that, a shadow lurking in the darkness suddenly disappeared. 

The insectars all roared in enthusiasm, prepared to give up their lives, not knowing that something very unexpected is going to happen which will change their fate forever.

Author's note: As always, share your thoughts in the comments and upvote if you liked the chapter. If you want to chat with me or are interested in beta reading, join my discord. Link in the profile. Thanks for reading.

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