Illusion King Mephisto

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"A mare bug dares to enter my magnificent castle. How rude. Looks like you need to be taught a lesson" said Kainath as he drew out his demonic sword.

"You sorry creature. You have no idea what lies in store for you" 

"Ho? Looks like you don't know who I am" said Kainath and appeared before Zegion and stabbed him with his sword. To his surprise, the creature that he stabbed just disappeared into thin air as if it was just an illusion.


"This is going to be your end" came a voice from behind him. He looked around and saw two of the creatures glaring at him.

"Don't get cocky you insect!"

With that, his sword spilt into two and he held them in both hands. 

"Demonic craft - Twin Ebony slash!"

Next moment, two glowing slashes of darkness launched towards each enemy.

"Dimension distortion - wormhole"

With that, two wormholes appeared in front of each clone and on both sides of Kainath and transported the slashes back to him.

"Ugh!" said Kainath as he was now struggling to deflect his own attack with both swords.

"Ah shi-"

Just as he managed to get rid of both his slashes, both the zegion clones were now next to him with their fists one nanometer away from crushing his face.


"Looks like I underestimated you" aid Kainath, bleeding heavily from the mouth and nose as he was barely able to reinforce his face with defense magic, which at least allowed him to still be able to talk.

"Now that you have seen my power I will give you a last chance. Tell me everything you know about the Demon Lord Kumbha and everything else you know. Then grovel at Rimuru sama's feet and beg for mercy. I am sure he will forgive you"

"How dare you you blasted bug! Don't get cocky just because you managed to land a hit on me when I was just fooling around! Dark magic - Eternal Darkness"

With that, the entire area turned into pitch black darkness. 

"Gyahaha now you can't even see me you vermin! I will teach-"

slap slap punch

"Illusion magic of that level doesn't work on me" said Zegion as he beat the shit out of him.

"Aarrrrghhh! Looks like I will have to show you my true power. You should feel honored you insect that you will get to witness an Ultimate skill before you die. This great Ultimate skill has been bestowed upon me my lord Kumbha himself.

Ultimate skill - Gateway to Hell!"

With that, a mini black hole was created in the spot just where Zegion stood.


The next moment, it seemed as if space itself distorted and started converging into the black hole. All the surroundings got stripped and crumpled like a piece of paper and thrown into the black hole as if it was a dustbin and what revealed next was an endless stretch of dark and gloomy atmosphere, with rivers of Lava flowing everywhere and many terrific shadow creatures roaming around.

"I see. So this is your Ultimate Skill"

"Gyahahaha That is right insect! This is what an Ultimate skills looks like. Not that I expect a mere bug like you to know what an ultimate skill even is. Just know that you were doomed the moment you decided to face me" said Kainath while laughing.

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