Treasure Hunt Finale

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"Yosh. Now lets take care of them. You ready for the spell Mia?" asked Rimuru

"Yeah. I was really itching to try it out"

The next moment, Mia chanted an incantation while Rimuru and Kay engaged in direct combat with the other students.

"Here goes 'Death Storm!'"

The next moment, tornadoes and lightning began forming and covering the entire area.

"What in the heck is this spell!"

"Ugh. Put up the barriers!"

"hehe I managed to pull it off!" said Mia with a proud smile.

"Of course. I knew you could do it" said Kay.

"Its actually quite a surprise. You are much more talented than I thought" said Rimuru looking at the storm in front which almost matched the 'Death storm' that Ranga summoned while fighting the Orc army.

"I see I never told you. Mia is actually the youngest student in our class, being two years younger than the average student. Yet she is able to match the average student. You could call a mini prodigy in herself, even though not quite as much as the likes of Ryzen" explained Kay.

"Hehe praise me more!" said Mia with her face melting.

"Well then. Lets end this battle" said Rimuru, and teleported in front of the Mythrill academy's barrier.


The next moment, the barrier shattered and they were hit by the death storm. Then he repeated the same procedure with the other group.

"Now then, lets see the outcome of their battle"



"*hmph* So the two of you decided to team up against me afterall" said Cindy while panting.

"I already told you I am the only one allowed to beat Ryzen. You shouldn't have butted in" said Nina

"You are strong anyway, so this was our best option" said Ryzen

"Look who's saying. No matter. I am not giving up" said Cindy and got up again.

"That's the spirit"

It was a 1v2 against Cindy, and so she eventually lost.

"Now then, lets settle this" said Nina.

"Looks like there is no other way"


The battle was intense. Nina's Royal beast transformation was no joke.

"It seems it is even stronger than Karrion's transformation. Very impressive"

<Hai master. The individual Nina has achieved mastery over her unique skill. Now if certain conditions are met, it could be evolved into an ultimate skill>

"And by certain conditions you mean?"

<Her awakening>

*boom boom*

"And what type of skill is that? I have never seen such a unique skill before" said Rimuru, looking at Ryzen's Flame Demon Avatar Surtur.

<Individual Ryzen has manifested his unique skill in the outer world without giving it a physical body. It is using his base body to exist, covering him like an aura. I believe it is a very high level usage of his skill, making it one of the strongest unique skills in existence>

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