Future Goals

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Note: I know I said next update will be on 17 but...... here is it anyway. Hope you are not complaining :)

"Congratulation! The winners of the treasure hunt are the Kulan academy! Here is your prize" announced Velsa.

"Is that a greater magic tome? For real?!" shouted Mia as she picked up one of the items from the prize box.

"Amazing. That's a perfect gift for a magic caster such as you" said Kay impressed.

"And what are these things?" asked Ryzen picking up a pair of red crystal ear rings.

"Those are greater magic artifacts, imbued with ancient magic that enhances your element based skills. It will be a great match for you Ryzen" explained Velsa.

"I see. But I don't think a mere artifact is going to make much of a difference" said Ryzen.

"Oh yes it will. At least in the future. These artifacts you see are not complete on their own. They are just the base items of a series. As you can see there are multiple tiny holes engraved in them. You can insert certain marbles in them to enhance the effect of these artifacts" explained Velsa.

"And what are these?" asked Kay as he picked up a bracelet.

"It is also a greater magic artifact. It basically focuses on defense related spells and skills, and enhances or modifies them. Also provides resistance against psychic attacks and status lowering spells"

"Yosh. That's the thing for me then" said Kai and wore it on his wrist.

"So then it seems this is what is left for me" said Rimuru while picking up a beautiful ring.

"This is also a-"

"Yeah I know. But its actually kinda useless for me. You know this thing is going to break the first time I unleash a full power greater magic spell right?" asked Rimuru.

"I apologies Rimuru-sa, *ahem* Rimuru but it seems we currently do not have a gift worthy enough for you. I hope you will at least take it as a form of beautiful jewellery for decoration purposes, and we will compensate this for you in the future" said Velsa while bowing. 

"That's fine. You will have to find at least a legendary grade artifact for it to be any use to me anyway" said Rimuru with a laugh.

"That's true" said Kay while nodding. 

"We are happy to have such a talented student enrolled in our academy, even if its just for half an year. Well then, you may enjoy your last day of the trip as you please" 


"You know, what headmaster Velsa said actually hit me just now" said Mia with a serious expression.

"Huh? What are talking about suddenly?" asked Kay.

"Its already been four months since Rimuru came here, and in just two months, everything is going to be over. We will all go on our own path. I mean don't you think that's barely any time we got to know Rimuru for?" said Mia.

"I see your point, but we can't do anything about it. After the trip's over, we all are going to get super busy preparing for the final exam, so the best we can do is spend our time together until then" said Ryzen.

"So what are you all planning on doing after this anyway?" asked Rimuru.

"I am going to be an adventurer. There are a lot of places I want to explore and gain a lot of experience, so that when the time comes, I can do my job as the family head better" said Ryzen.

"I will be an adventurer too. I want to gain experience of the real world combat and everything if I want to enter the special ops division"

"As for me, I haven't really given it much of a thought yet. I guess I want to study magic further and become the greatest mage in the country, so I will try my shot at the Rhein Magic University"

"You mean the university that holds the record for producing the most true heroes till date? I would suggest you to become an adventurer in that case as well. If you are able to succeed and get recruited by an S rank guild as its magician, it will increase your chances of entering it tremendously" said Ryzen.

"I see. In that case I will give it a shot" said Mia.

"Ho? There are even guilds in this world now? It sure changed a lot" said Rimuru.

"Huh? What do you mean?" asked Mia confused.

"So then what are your plans?" asked Ryzen, changing the topic.

"Well can you tell me about this adventurer business in more detail?" asked Rimuru

"The adventurers are basically divided into ranks according to their strengths. The lowest are the 'F' rank adventurers, then they go up in order till A rank, and then S, SS and SSS rank adventurers. Well even though the ranks go up to SSS, there are currently no adventurers at that rank. The last one to have reached that rank was the true hero Gladia who was killed by an alliance of Heaven and Purgatory two thousand years ago. It is said that the war was so intense that its effects could even be felt here in the 'living' world. 

Since then, no one has been able to demonstrate power of such a caliber, but I would say hypothetically if the current pillars and axes became adventurers, they may be given that rank. For this reason, the 'SSS' class is called the 'Disruptor' class, since whenever a being worthy of that class appears, the balance of the world is sure to be disrupted

Other than that, SS class adventurers are considered national treasures and a nation will do anything in its power to keep as many SS class adventurers on its side as possible. This class contains most of the strongest true heroes and other freelance adventurers. This class is capable of dealing with the worst calamities in the world, and is often called the 'calamity' class" explained Ryzen, and then went on to detail all the classes and the perks and benefits they offer to the adventurers. 

'I see. The adventuring system in this world is quite interesting'

<Yes master. It is in our best interest to become an adventurer. We still don't know what happened to 'its' remains yet, so it will allow us to move freely while avoiding unnecessary trouble>

"Yosh. I have decided to become an adventurer as well" 

"That's great! We will get to stay together longer this way!" said Mia in excitement.

"Yeah. At least for the few months before each of us get on our own separate paths" said Kay.

"Well then, let's enjoy our time here until then!" 


Time flew by. A month passed and it was the final time of the year before Rimuru and co will graduate from the academy. Karla tried to contact Morgan many time during this time, but to no avail. Now it was soon time for the final exam to become adventurers.

"Alright students, tomorrow there is going to be the combat assessment exam and you all will be receiving your adventurer's rank"

"So its finally time"

"This is going to be interesting"

Author's note: As always, share your thoughts in the comments and upvote if you liked the chapter. If you want to chat with me or are interested in beta reading, join my discord. Link in the profile. Thanks for reading.

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