The Last Fragment

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'I am actually impressed you managed to stay calm throughout it all'

<Yes master. Since there was an individual with Benimaru's blood, I didn't want it to end like that. So I tried my best to not neutralize them on the spot. They were lucky that I have got strong self control. But they should not test it. No one should test it. As you know it is a bad idea. I can't promise it will go this smoothly the next time it happens. There are limits to even my patience you see...> continued on Ciel with the ranting.

'Hai hai I got it Ciel. Good job. You are as awesome as always' hearing this Ciel calmed down a bit.

"What happened Rimuru? What did they talk to you about there?" asked Ryzen.

"Oh its nothing much. They just wanted to try their luck with me, and got lucky, so they are still there. On that matter, I am not in the mood to take part in the demonstration anymore, so I am going. Let's meet tomorrow when they declare the results"

"What!? But there are still two more rounds left! It will affect your score drastically if you skip 2 whole rounds like this" said Mia with surprise.

"That's fine. I don't actually care about the ranking system too much. And on the contrary a higher rank is only going to get in my way, so this is for the best" said Rimuru and teleported away.

"I have a very bad feeling about this. Did the kingdom go too far trying to persuade Rimuru?" said Kay.

"Looks like that is the case. Rimuru was certainly not in a good mood"


Somewhere unknown-

"S-stay away! Aaargh"

"H-how dare you enter this holy place you filthy demon! You-"

"Stop squealing you trash" 


"NOO! Archbishop Daniel! S-spare me!" 


"I-I know! Cast greater anti magic area! Even though that will weaken us, this demon will become completely powerless" said Domas.

"Hai. Here goes. Anti magic area ON!" said the mage while casting.

"Hahaha. Now then, let's make this filthy demon cry and beg for mercy on his knees! The knight order, under captain Colon, deploy!"

"Hai sire. Now then, unique skill- swordplay. Get rekt you demon!" said Colon and ran towards the demon with his sword. 



"You are too noisy for an insect" said the demon while crashing his skull on the ground with his feet, resulting in the contents of his skull splashing around.

"C-colon was our special S rank holy knight! H-how can this happen?!" 

"I-is this a dream?" said the mage Herald as he started to take steps back.

"No. This is your worst nightmare" said the demon as it appeared just before Herald and pierced his stomach with his hand.


"W-what's happening?!" said Domas as he witnessed the horrific scene in front of him. Herald's body was slowly deforming as he was shrieking with pain. 

Suddenly the anti magic area dissipated as the demon snapped its fingers.

"Special magic- demonification. You seem to be a little more valuable than all these insects around, so I am going to use your body as a vessel. Demon summoning- summon archdemon. Come here my servant, and serve me. I have prepared a body for you"

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