Chapter 1:First day

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Kitty:notice from kitty. Yes I gave zeno permission to move things over here. I specifically requested it he isn't breaking any rules.

Kitty:this is the entire first loop of sayaverse so enjoy

A blue haired girl who looks about 13 in a red blazer walks up to definitely not the main protag.

Saya:"Excuse me, is this seat taken." She asked the boy

Rean:"no not at all take a seat"he said as she sat down.

Saya:"So many people are wearing green blazers, why did they give us red blazers?" She asked, heavily confused.

Rean:"I don't know, maybe the red blazers are for common folk probably that's the reason?"

Saya:"so what's your name good sir." She asked curiously despite already knowing the answer.

Rean:"the names Rean what your's?"he asked curiously

Saya:"my name is saya i came here cause my mother in law wanted me to experience this place." She said shyly.

Rean:"I came here due to a Recommendations I hope this school is holds up to it reputation"

Saya:"It will...After all this is where most of our nations greatest minds come to graduate.most high ranking people graduate from here.your set for life if you succeed" she said.

Rean:"wow we're almost at Thors miltary academy, the only on my mind right is the cool stuff we will learn"

Saya:"I don't know if I will learn much...considering I've been in real fights before." She said.

Rean:"nice if anything this should be a cake walk for you"

Saya:"work rarely is".

Rean:he glanced at her weapon"I like your weapon mind if a take look At I'll let you see mine in exchange"

Saya:"huh yeah sure." She said pulling a white sword with a purple handle with a little opening near the handle that looks absurdly advanced and hands it to him.

After a few minutes of expecting each other weapons

Rean:"wow this is really cool weapon where did you getting from"

Saya:"it's custom made by someone I's a orbal gun sword.basically its a sword that can shoot orbal bullets out of the little opening .it looks fancy but it's quite simple to use." She explained.

Rean:"wow that's really cool you want to see mine"he said offering his weapon

Saya:"a tachi huh.... I take it you are a practitioner of the eight leaves one blade school?" She said handing it back.

Rean:"thanks I got this from my master he trained me how to use it"he said putting his blade back

Saya:"the train should be arriving soon." She said getting up and beginning to walk to a exit.

Conductor:"the next stop is trista"

Rean:"we're almost there let hope they aren't too cruel"

Saya:"who signs up for a military academy and not expecting to have to work themselves?!" She said,

Rean:"just some hopeful thinking"

Saya:as they walk along the road they see some flowers. "These flowers are pretty." She said looking at them not blocking the station door.

Rean:"come on say the ceremony should be starting any time now"

Saya:"coming"she said as they walk through town to the main campus passing a blue haired girl and her clearly butler as a brown haired girl stops them.

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