Chapter 5:Our first day off

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Mid April 1204

As rean walked down stairs he saw a bunch of drinks and pancakes on the table

"Morning rean." Gaius said eating his food.

"Hey gaius what's with the premade food?" Rean asked.

"Saya made it before she left Emma helped.they wanted to do something nice for us" gaius explained.

"Unfortunately that girl can't comprehend shame to save her life as she ran across town in her school swimsuit." Jusis said as he grumpily ate the food.

"It's not that I don't believe you it's the fact I can actually see her doing that to get to the pool slightly faster." Rean said as he begun to eat his food.

Rean then walks out to look at a folder of jobs. there was only two finding a wallet and doing some deliveries for a guy named George nome.

Simple enough they were two in and out jobs that took a few hours sure but he got them done. He even got a radio out of it.

He finished the work for the day by noon so he decided to check on sava and Laura but when they got there was a lot of splashing and kicking as saya touched the wall "I win!" She said.

"Impressive I knew you were physically capable but I hardly expected you to be able to outswim me at your young age" Laura said.

"I was curious about something though you don't need to answer but it's your last name....sandlot as you are most undoubtedly aware Is the name of erboronias strongest female warrior that name later became my family's surname although interestingly she was infamous for never having any why do you have that name?" Laura inquired.

"That's....a Pandora's box of worms that I'm not comfortable opening or at much liberty to open...sorry Laura." Saya repsonded sadly.

"You don't have to answer yet if you don't want take your time I was curious."Laura said.

"Now...ITS RUDE TO EAVESDROP ON SWEET MOMENTS!" Saya said splashing rean as he ran.
A bit later

After drying off saya walks to the principals office.

"Principal vandyck I'm the student who voulteered to explore the old schoolhouse." Saya said.

"Ah yes you must be saya o-no my mistake saya sandlot my apologies." He said handing the key.

"It's fine I know what I'm getting myself into I attempted something similar before.. was successful naturally I will report back what I find." Saya siad walking off.

Rean:he was drying off as he wondered "what was she hiding...she said something about Pandora's box."

Emma:"rean!" Emma said running up to rean.

Rean:"hey Emma need something"

Emma:"I just finished with my okay? you look kinda out of it." Emma inquired.

Rean:"I just have something on my mind"

Emma:"do you wanna talk about it?"

Rean:"it has something to do with what saya said to me"

Emma:she looked a bit shocked and confused "so what did she say?"she said slightly nervous.

Rean:"she was talk this thing called the pandora box-"

Emma:"rean...that's a expression...she means she probably is hiding a lot of secrets that could cause many problems if uncovered...even though she's only 13" Emma said.

Rean:"I got that part but it was just the way she said gotten under my skin"

Emma:"well that's no surprise.." Emma said.

Rean:"yeah but it still was a little off should I be worried about it"

Emma:"...Quit while your behind." Emma said out of nowhere.

Rean:he was confused:"why"

Emma:"you have no idea how dangerous She is...I barely know anything and even I know challenging her and her friends is suicidal at best" Emma said walking off.

Rean:"where are you going"he shouted out

Emma;"to feed my pet cat"Emma said before running away.

Chapter End

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