Chapter 10:Hey Brother

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Kitty daily notes :suffixes will happen randomly you have been warned

"Arlight class we got two new students." Sara said in the middle of may.

"LET THEM IN WE WILL EAT THEIR FLESH AND RELEASE THEM INTO THE BATTLEFIELD OF THE RED CONSTELLATION" Saya said in a demonic voice as her eyes were piercing red and her hair was a whitish silver.

"What the hell is wrong with you right now?"
Machias said as her hair and eyes turned back to normal.

"I don't know what you're talking about machias kun," Saya said smiling.

"Don't give me that. This time I know what I saw. You had a demonic voice, red eyes, silver haire and were more aggressive than usual, '' Machias said.

"Emma, did you invoke the powers of Satan again?"Saya said.

"W-What no! You can't get out of this one saya!"
Emma said.

"watch me!" Saya said.

"Saya we are all having a chat tonight and your gonna start letting your secrets out." Rean said annoyed.

"Can I at least give you a mech from the basement first?" Saya asked.

"You know what fine if that what it takes for you to open up sure give me a mech" rean said sighing

"Well now that's out of the way, come in transfer students!"sara said as crow and another blue haired girl about sayas height and age came in.

"Crow!?" rean stated.

"Sup rean I'm transferring in today" crow said as he fist pumped rean as saya walked up to the blue haired girl.

"Oz74 white rabbit millium orion," Saya said.

"YEP LAMMY" millium said letting out a white floating things

"Airgetlam truly is impressive......" saya said looking at the floating things.

"You know it" Millium said.

"What even is that thing?" Alisa asked.

"It looks like the thing from our previous combat test" Emma said.

" instructor Sara, we are skipping class to go mech hunting!" Saya said.

"If anything happens it's on you" Sara said as they
ran out

Saya took the class to the basement as Sara followed reluctantly wanting to see the mech.

Saya said dramatically, shoving rean.

"Wait what..." rean said as valimar awakened.

"You are now my awakener, what is your name?"Valimar said.

"Rean schwarzer," rean said.

"We shall be in the partnership forever"Valimar light shone over all present."

"Alright, you're gonna tell us your secrets now that your precious mech has been awakened." Rean said.

"Yepppp first off let's start from the beginning." Saya said as she walked up and touched reans forehead.

Rean begin to see all sorts of things and begun to

"This can't this can't be true!" Rean said.

"Search your feelings rean you know it's true. Join me and we will commit double parricide together" saya said.

"What's wrong rean what is she doing to you" alisa growled.

"Say it rean call me what I Am and say daddy's name too" saya said smiling maliciously.

"This must be one of your tricks." Rean said.

"Ugh you're so stubborn, fine I will take you to the principal he will know what to do with you" Saya said as she teleported away.

"What just happened-"Millium asked.

"There's no time to waste, we gotta get to the principal's office." Gaius said as they ran.

Saya translocated into the principal's office with Rean pinned to the floor.


"No need to shout, we can have this conversation when the others get here." Principal vandyck said.

"You too principal then it must be!" Rean said as the rest arrived in a few minutes.

"Rean!" Elliot said.

"Settle down, he's not been harmed, just a few scrapes." Principal Vandyck said as saya pinned him down.

"Rean I will say it so you can understand saya is your sister and gillath osborne is your father" the principal said.

"WHAT" the class said.

"Can I tell the story principal?! I know all the details." Saya asked as she magically shut the door.

"Very well" principal vandyck.

"Wait did she just magically shut the door" machias said.

"Yes you simpleton" jusis said.

"Hey prinicpal vandyck I can say the illegal bits too right" Saya asked.

"....fine no one can know the illegal bits outside this room."vandyck said

"12 years ago There's once a guy named georg weissman who using the power of malice itself tricked lechters daddy into burning down our home murdering my first mother then they went on to burn down a village.i died of smoke ina-" saya said.

"Wait hold on vou died when you were 1?" Fie asked confused.

"Yep"saya said.

"Malice incarnate saved me by giving me daddy's heart" saya said before getting interrupted again

"This story is sounding more like your insanity." Sara said before saya pulled out her sword out of a void in space as her eyes turned red and her hair turned silver.

"Next person to interrupt me gets the stab" Saya said in her demonic voice as they all go silent.

"So then daddy gave me to miss lianne while daddy gave rean to Mr teo. he then came back and fought in the hundred day war for 10 days" saya said finishing.

"I have so many questions that the story sounds too bulsIhit to beleive that I don't I wanna hear more about your past because I think it will drive me insane so I will ask when such information seems relevant Rean said as they all agreed.

"PRINCIPAL CAN WE GO TO YMIR" saya asked raising her hands.

"Very well you will get 4 days to go to ymir starting tomorrow I expect you all back by the fifth night" vandyck said as they walked out

Jusis:"what so important that we have to go to Ymir"

Saya:"so we can get straight out of reans adopted parents Mouths...Then you will learn the truth the gap between our awesomeness rean!"

Rean:"what did ever do to you"

Saya:"you dropped me on my head as a baby" Saya said.

Rean:"why do you like hurting me so much"

Saya:"isn't that the job of the baby sister?"

End of chapter

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