Chapter 24:A New Generation

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Saya:she stretched as the new year came as she appeared before the celestial globe "it seems that the first steps of the phantasmal blaze plan were relatively successful wasn't it?"

Grandmaster:"it was indeed a success"

Saya:"Greetings grandmaster," saya said doing a curtsy.

Grandmaster:"hello my child how are you feeling today"

Saya:"Annoyed..The gnome was incompertrive. He was just mean when we are at least trying to help him to our mutual interest" Saya said.

Grandmaster:"I'm sorry you had to go through that I take full responsibility for his actions"

Vita:" you don't have to do that grandmaster. He has no association with us as of yet. There's no reason to carry the blame on yourself"

Saya:"yeah no need to lower yourself to his level Especially since he's just a corrupted shell!"

Grandmaster:"I know you feel but it my job as your lord to take responsibility for your sins"

Saya:she sighed and decided to not push the subject further "As you wished all seven divine knights are now accounted for next year."

Grandmaster:"great now proceed onto the next phase"

Saya:she sighed "this is gonna be terrifying especially since someone in this room is gonna have to die"

Lianne:"indeed this will be my last year alive."

Grandmaster:"you have nothing to fear my child you death mean we're one step closer to paradise"

Saya:"I am likely gonna have to leave this plane of existence for by KeAs estimate 6 years.trying to complete the phantasmal blaze plan."

Grandmaster:"hurry back my child your essential to our plan"

Saya:"do you have anything before I commit the final step of the plan?"

Grandmaster:"I made you a second gunblade with this your combat will improve tenfold"

Saya:"I suppose I should name these two divine weapons shouldn't I?"

Grandmaster:"what names did you have in mind for them"

Saya:"my original one I would like to name thanatos after the instinct of death because that's what happens most of the time when my blade stares someone down."

Grandmaster:"a fine choice what of the second one"

Saya:"Surtr due to the My soon to be unmatchable affinity to fire."

Grandmaster:"shall I make the names you choose permanent"

Saya:"yes." She said honestly.

Grandmaster:"you can see it as done"she started the process on make the blade's names permanent

Grandmaster:"I would also like to tell you you are one of the few people in the world that can weaponize your will and observe all."

Saya:"huh?" She said, confused.

Grandmaster:"you'll find out in due time"she said "but for now learn to calm your mind and use your will as a weapon."

Saya:"ok..." she said leaving.

One year later

March 21st 1206

Now 15 year old saya approaches rean on a train.

Saya:"hello's been 14 months hasn't it?" She said with a stern voice.

Rean:"it has been a long time since we last met"

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