Chapter 18:Half a year of slumber

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For half a year rean schwarzer had layed dormant as as december rolled around he finally awoken.

"Huh where am I what happe- oh right I got my ass kicked in for my stupidity" reans said remembering it all.


"Whos faking anything...."

"I was a idiot she clearly didn't want to do that but no I had to keep pushing."rean said in his own self pity.

"Well now that I know where I am I can probably get home this looks like eisenguard range" rean said as he walked down the mountain. "Wait why am I walking i have to reunite with my friends."rean said running down the mountain.
After a few hours of traveling he got close to ymir as he saw snow on the ground. "Snow? How long have I been out?" Rean thought to himself as he finally made it to ymir as a certain black haired girl ran up and hugged him.

"REANNNN" elise yelled.

"Elise!" Rean said.

"Saya told me you were dead!" Elise started to cry

"I didn't believe her at first but as months passed I feared she was right"elise said bawling her eyes out.

"She told you what?" Rean asked "also you met saya after I fought her" rean said.

"Yeah" elise said as she begun to explain


Elise is standing with Alfin and toval as the invasion started.

"My my you two seem awfully calm for such a situation" saya said walking up.

"Saya? Where's rean?" Elise asked confused.

"He's been disposed of big brother foolishly ignored my warning to run and picked a fight with me. It didn't end pretty for him." Saya said.

"Now I am gonna give you directions to a safe way out of hemindallr howeverrrrr I will need my princess to surrender herself." Saya said.

"Very well." Alfin said walking foward.

"Your highness you can't do this!" Elise said confused.

"It will be fine elise" Alfin said as saya gave them a piece of paper.

"We will be spending a lot of time getting to know each other Alfin without bothersome things like duties and school getting in the way." saya said as
Alfin was teleported away with her.


"She kidnapped princess Alfin?" Rean asked, baffled.

"Yeah sorry I couldn't do anything I was such a coward when she said she would let us leave free Of charge" Elise said.

"It's fine also what month is it" rean asked.

"Huh december why." Elise said.
Rean then realizes he's been in a coma for six months.but he wasn't exactly given much time to process that as a giant blue robot slammed into the middle of town as what looks to be a green haired boy in a pink suit.

"Oh for aidios sake you're such a heavy sleeper"the green haired boy said.

"Who are you and what do you want"rean said, holding up a sword.

"I hardly think the guy who warranted such extremes has much right to take up such a tone with me" the boy said nonchalantly.

"I asked you to identify yourself" rean said clearly not in a good mood.

"Oh right, where are my manners? You may call me enforcer number o campanella the fool" campanella introduced himself.

"Enforcer? So I assume you're one of Sayas' pals?" Rean said, putting his guard up even more.

"Well I have known the girl for about 11 years so I suppose I can call her my friend."campanella said after thinking for a second.

"Where is she?" Rean asked.

"You just asked me to admit she's my friend and then ask me to sell her out. I'm supposed to be the fool." Campanella said "oh right I was supposed to give you a message message start "use the spirit path and the secondary contractor system to get this show on the road already big brother gosh you're such a pain" message over also I was supposed to give you a little incentive to hurry up" campanella said as the robot grabbed elise.

"Rean!" Elise screamed.

Rean:"Elise! I am coming just hang on"he yelled trying to save her sister.

Campanella:"so stubborn." He said as the robot punched rean in his everywhere considering its fist was bigger than reans body.

Rean:he was knocked out from the impact

Elise:"Rean help me!"she echoed out her as cries fell on deaf ears as she was kidnapped.

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