Chapter 15:Moon angel

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After dropping off the group bound for nord the crossbell group dismebarks around noon.

"Say hi to the brights and arios for us!" Sara said

"We will!" Saya said smiling as they flew off.

"I'm hungry. Can we like get the best food in town before we start?" Saya asked tugging on reans blazer.

"Yeah sure what do you guys think." Rean asked

"Good food sign me up!" Millium said.

"Agreed let's get some grub." Crow said.

"I think we should be focusing on our field study but
I suppose eating first wouldn't be a bad idea.
Machias said.

"I am intrigued and what this "best food in town" is"
Laura said.

"It's settled leave the way."rean said.

Saya walked down the streets as she turned a corner and looked at a skyscraper with a moon with weird wings on its side. "Awersome we are here!" Saya said excitedly.

"Hmmm what is this place saya?" Machias said.

"Moon angel hq this is the heart of our personal operations we basically own this city!" Saya said as the group walked in as a older blue haired girl in a maid like outfit was waiting.

"Welcome back president schwarzer." The girl said.

"President?!" Machias said.

"Yeah we opened and were founded last year after the Orbal shutdown phenomenon me and my best friend started a buniness to help make her feel better is that weird?" Saya asked.

"No not at all We just didn't take you for a buniness lady." Rean said.

"Anyway can you introduce yourself?" Saya said smiling.

"Of course president my name is risette twinings I am 16 years old and one of the the president and Vice Presidents three assiants I once lost use of my appendages so Orbal prostenics were made by the Vice President in exchange I became one of the three assiants of them it's a honor to meet you all class seven" rosette said bowing.

"I see...." Rean said after they all did introductions.

"Hey risette has Sharon finished making lunch yet I told her to be done by noon this morning." Saya asked.

"Of course this is miss Krueger we are talking about."

Risette said as she escorted them to the top floor as they walked into a office a small green child ran up and squeezed.

"Hi KeA" saya said.

"Hi onee-chan! Are you home for a while?" KeA asked as she squeezed.

"Unfortunately no I'm on a field study for a few days"Saya said petting the kid.

"You're KeA right." Rean said.

"Yep and you gotta be big brother rean" KeA said proudly.

"She's so cute!" Millium said as they squeezed as the chair on the other side of the room spun around as a purple haired girl saya age looked at them.

"Hiya bestie!" Saya said hugging the girl.

"Hi saya." The purple haired girl said patting sayas

"Oh you must be class seven my name is renne .renne is the Vice President and the brains behind moon angel"renne introduced himself.

"You're the brains that means...saya what have you been making this poor girl do" machias asked mad.

"Nothing!" Saya said defensively.

"She's the face and brawn of the company I handle the more technical aspects as our three assistants help with the paperwork not that we fire anyone we buy out." Renne said as anther lady walked in with multiple plates as she sets them down.

"Sharon, I missed you!" Saya said, jumping across the room as she easily catched her and patted her.

"It's a honor to see you milady as usual."Sharon said.

"Can I bring you back to class seven dorm with us? I finished my work!" Saya asked.

"Of course it would be an honor." Sharon said.

"Now that's out of the way, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sharon Kruger. As of today I will be class seven maid. It will be a pleasure to meet you." Sharon said as they all started eating.

"Holy shit this stuff is good" crow said.

"I never tasted anything this good..." Laura said.

"You get to live off this stuff, why do you get the best stuff." Machias said jealous.

"Miss risette, will you be able to do the day to day work while I'm gone?" Sharon asked, walking up to risette.

"That should be little problem. If it gets troublesome I will merely ask for assistance from miss ashen lu."
Risette said as the group ate.

"So is it true the special support section disbanded the other day?" Say asked renne.

"Huh you heard about that man our information network is good yep bannings went to the first divison mcdowell is entirely out of the way Orlando left to do some crap with the second divison and Plato went back to another branch." Renne said.

"So who has our field study envelope?" Machias asked after they ate.

"I think it's the ibe." Renne said guessing.

"Alrighty time to visit miss bell!" Saya yelled before running out

"say-" rean started.

"Omg big brother! Why cant you do anything besides question me! It's getting ridiculous! Can't you have a genuine conversation with me?!" Saya said getting annoyed while being sarcastic.

Laura:"let's talk more about the divisions"

Saya:"sure Whatcha want to know?" She said.

Rean:"how many divisions are there and what do they do"

Saya:"impossible to say"


KeA:"onee-Chan's Moon angel has control over pretty much every business on the continent That matters. Unless you don't matter then she doesn't have control over you." KeA said.

Saya:"EMPOWERING HEADPATS!" She said headpatting KeA

Saya:"KeA have you been behaving by the way?" She asked as KeA sat in her lap.

KeA:"I've been really good this last few months onee-chan"

Saya:"oh yeah what have you been up to?" She asked.

KeA:"I've been doing all my work and gotten good grades"

Saya:"even with all your private tutors?"

KeA:"They said I was the best student they ever seen"

Saya:"you will get all the headpats tonight KeA"

KeA:"yay headpats"she said innocently

Saya:"now you guys ready to work?"

Rean:he nodded.

KeA:"I want to help too"

Saya:"no KeA I fear we might need you to do the important stuff at orchis tower tonight" Saya said.

KeA:she pouted"okay onee-Chan"

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