Chapter 22:gathering up our allies

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A few hours later.

Soilder:"they are awake!" He said to the group covered in bandages and on mats.

Elliot:he groaned"how long have been out"

Soilder:"a few hours young master! You were found outside the tower Utterly beaten!"

Sara:"I can't beleive we actually lost a 10 on 1"

Rean:"I didn't think saya was gonna be that strong"

Sara:"yeah when she fought me amlost 3 years ago she was backed up in a two against one..I barely made out of that alive"

Machias:"but this time she on a whole different level"

Toval:"it might be due to her potential roof having grown." Toval said.

Elliot:"maybe, but we're seriously underpowered here"

Celine:"Maybe you should start getting your butts over to Legram then" celine suggested.

Rean:he was confused"what are you going on about"

Celine:"Emma Laura and fie are there." Celine replied.

Li:"that's great let go see them then"

Celine:"you can't today" Celine said.

Rean:"how so"

Celine:"Valimars completely spent after two jumps in a single day so you can't open up a spirit path."

Machias:"man, we gotta wait until tomorrow"

Celine:"more like 2-3 days and besides you guys are in no shape to adventure anyway...You been utterly wrecked mere hours earlier!"

Rean:"if we're gonna wait that long we should at least come up with a game plan then"

Celine:"you don't have the ressources or info to do that" celine said rolling her eyes "your way too impatient shouldn't your priority be getting everyone together" Celine siad.

Rean:"your right I need to be patient"

Meanwhile with saya.

Saya:She sat on the pantagruel as a black cloaked man with a black mask walked in "so how was death mr playboy?"

Crow:"honestly it wasn't what I expected it to be like"

Saya:"any problems with becoming a immortal?" She asked.

Crow:"none in particular"

Saya:"goodie! Now we are in it for your revolution ain't we?!"

Crow:"yep bet don't worry lady your new savior is here"

Saya:"I hardly call you my savior."

Four days later

Rean:they all arrive in legram "so this is Laura's's so Misty and stuff"

Machias:"with all this mist in the way it will take us a while to find the others""

Fie:"don't worry about that." She said walking towards the Group with Laura and Emma.

Elliot:"how much further is it"

Fie:"we are right here you idiot." She said punching elliot in the face.

Machias:" would you cut that out"

Laura:"we been kicked out basically...her intelligence network picked up you were coming so we were requested to leave due to my father wishing to stay neutral"

Rean:"let's go then"

Laura:she nodded.

Toval:"Claire, do you think they got things together enough that we don't need to babysit them?" Toval asked.

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