Chapter 25:The Awakening

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Rean:"let's start off with intr-"he said as a giant flash of light covered them all.

3 days later.

All six wake up in the nurses office.

KeA:she was dressed up in a cute innocent doctors outfit "and your all awake."

Rean:"immouto what happened the last thing I remember was having everyone introduce themselves"

KeA:"you were..then onee-chan got real bored with how much people were asking questions and asking about her age...So she ditched reality early and took the septerrion of steel with her."

Juna:"I'm sorry what..."

KeA:"rean that means your lacking a valimar now."

Rean:"what! Are you kidding me, my Valimar is gone?"

KeA:"yep and your principal has changed along with you getting a new teacher and student." KeA said.

Rean:"that too soon why didn't she inform me about this earlier"

KeA:"she did warn you a few days ago..You just never have context."

Rean:"note to self always ask for context"he said to himself

KeA:"nadia this is why your in this class onee-chan didn't want you to be alone and sad."

Rean:he sighed"I guess things won't be as hard now that she in my class"he thought

KeA:"you will meet the rest later bye" She said disspearing.

End of chapter

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