Found Family (Sylvain x Felix x Ingrid x F!Reader)

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Me and my wild brain

This is gonna be a multiparter I think

This is absolutely diverging from the prompt I have confined this book to but at this point I am rebelling against myself XD

Concept: You have a child about 9 months after the war starts. You know who the father is. Your surrogate family knows who the father is. The father? His ass is dead to the world. 

Basically all the Blue Lions help raise your son and you realize this is the best possible outcome you could've ever asked for. 

Also contains an OC of mine! 

[This chapter contains all of the feels.]


It had been four years since your son was born. Four long and arduous years. Four years since you had been taken to Fraldarius territory and taken in by Rodrigue and Felix. Every day he looks more and more like his father. 

More and more you fell in love with your found family. 

Mercedes and Annette had known first. The three of you had stuck together at the beginning of the war. Soon, you started to show the telltale signs of pregnancy. Horrible morning sickness, cravings only Mercedes' cakes can satiate, and that baby bump that made you so insecure. It took a lot of reassurance from the two mages that you are stunning no matter what that made you feel better about it. 

Annette had kept up correspondence with Felix. In passing and with your permission, Annette mentioned your pregnancy in one of her letters. A letter was then sent back to the ginger with extreme urgency.

It wasn't from Felix himself. It was from his father, Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius. He requested that Annette bring you to the Fraldarius house at once. He wanted to house you until you and your son were safe. Once you heard the news, you almost cried. 

Your own house, the von (L/N)'s, had sided with the Empire once the war started. It almost felt like one of the most traitorous things they could've done. So to hear there was someone who wanted to take you in was such a relief. Annette wrote back as quickly as she could that you would be honored to stay with them and they will escort you at once. 

The road to Fraldarius territory was not a pleasant one. Filled with bumps, rocky paths, and the occasional bandits that wanted to route your trip. The two girls accompanying you refused to let you fight but once they saw your prowess with the bow hadn't gone away, they allowed you to fight only IF the situation was very dangerous. 

As soon as you got to your destination, Rodrigue met you with open arms. He assured you that he was going to help you and allowed you to cry into his shoulder as much as you needed to. Once your tears had dried you noticed a very shy Felix standing behind him. You smiled at Felix and he scowled and looked at the floor. He still made his way over to you. Rodrigue, hearing his sons footsteps approach, let you go so Felix could see you better. 

Felix looked you up and down once and said: 

"You look horrible." 

If it was anyone other than Felix you would've been hurt by his words. Instead, you found yourself laughing at his blunt statement. 

"Glad to know you still care about me even a little bit," you said as a slight blush covered the raven haired swordsman's features. You motioned for him to come closer and he did, albeit very slowly and shyly. When he was in reach, you grabbed his hands to place them on your stomach. Felixs' eyes widened and his blush deepened. He almost looked like he wanted to get away but for your sake, he'd stay. That's when he felt it. 

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