Sigh your problems away (Hapi)

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Concept: You wanna fight. Hapi can summon monsters. Sighing releases stress. It's a win all around!

I'm filled with anxiety here's another chapter go! 

Why is this emoji so tiny

[This chapter is a bit existential so be warned.] 


"HAPI!" Your boisterous voice echoed throughout the alleyways of Abyss. You wanted to find your best friend who is known for summoning monsters with a single sigh. 

Hapi is used to your shouting by now. That still doesn't mean she was a fan of your yelling. Neither were any of the other Ashen Wolves. Except Balthus but that's only because he really doesn't know what an "inside voice" is. 

"Yep," Hapi responded, not turning around to face you. You were able to spot her bright pink hair from anywhere. She knew you would either:

A. In your run to her, you'd accidentally run into a wall, unable to stop your own momentum from your speed which would be funny.

B. Do a very cartoon-esque slide as you attempt to stop yourself before running into a wall which would be funny. 


C. Be able to stop yourself in time from running into the wall which wouldn't be as funny but you'd still try to suavely pose against the wall. That would be slightly embarrassing. 

You chose option C. 

As soon as you managed to slow yourself down to a full stop, you leaned your back against the wall, propping one leg up on it. 

"Hey," you said as suavely as you could muster. Hapi wanted to facepalm. "I've got a... Proposition for you." If anyone else in Abyss had heard you, they would absolutely think you were about to ask Hapi for something extremely inappropriate. In public too! Do you have no shame? 

No, you don't, but that's also not what you want. 

"Would you mind going up to the surface and doing the thing for me? You know, the thing?" You winked at Hapi. You knew she got what you wanted. She still stared at you with her signature pout. 

"At least you have the decency to ask to go to the surface first," she said then started walking away. 

"Wait wait wait where are you going?" You panicked and scrambled to keep up with her. 

"You wanted me to do the thing, right? Well a certain obnoxious someone has been bothering me and I have quite a bit of stress I need to vent. So let's go," Hapi was walking to the staircase leading out of Abyss. 

"Yes!" You jumped in the air and did a fist bump. Hapi looked at your antics and almost sighed right there. You had no idea that you were the obnoxious someone she mentioned. No, she could restrain herself until she got up to a secluded area on the surface. At least one of you had to be the mature one. 

Despite your very stark differences in energy, you two are best friends. But you definitely have a not at all subtle crush on the pink haired mage. Everyone in Abyss knows, basically. Hapi either knows about it and refuses to acknowledge it, playing blissfully unaware, or doesn't know at all. Either way, it works for you. You haven't faced any kind of painful rejection yet so it's still a win! Right?

Passing through the monastery was always awkward. The students at the officers academy would wave and smile at you both passing through. Hapi would give a small smile and a wave back. If someone would fall victim to your addicting optimism, they'd be stuck in a conversation with you until you parted ways. 

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